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Transparent Medical Costs Needed to Have a Better Health Care System

It is no secret that the health care system is horribly abused. If everyone knew the cost of various procedures, this would improve the system. How? If you knew the price for something versus not knowing what you pay because a third party pays your bills, the term “budget” would take on a whole new meaning. You would be wiser about how your money is spent and where it goes.

Here is an example: if you knew that it cost you $350 to see a doctor about a cold, chances are you would think twice about going. If your three kids all had a minor flu, and you went to the doctor and got a $1,050 bill for the doctor checking drippy noses and telling the kids to stay warm, drink lots of fluids and call back if you get worse, you would be a lot smarter about home care options.

Be smart and think twice about going to the doctor unless you really need to go.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, November 28th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Lower Health Insurance Premiums Can Only Happen If We Take Responsibility For Our Own Health

A very common complaint heard on coffee row is the rising cost of health insurance premiums. This coming from a group of people who are smoking, eating a high-fat breakfast , and who drove to the local café despite the fact that they live just down the road from it is ironic. None of them exercise, other than to lift the TV remote and many of them drink in excess as well. Is it any wonder that those individuals have health problems that send them to a doctor more often than those who do not overindulge?

The bottom line here is that each and every one of us is directly responsible for our own health. If we strive to be healthy, we are healthy and we save money on health insurance premiums because of this. Bemoaning the high bills and the cost of premiums is counter-intuitive, when we are causing our own poor health because of our actions. If we want cheaper health insurance premiums, we have to commit to a healthy lifestyle. It is just that simple.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Still Think Health Care Reform Will Get You Insurance At Work?

In revisiting what Obama said in his campaign trail speeches about health care reform, you may remember he said that all employers should continue to contribute to health care coverage for their workers. Or, they could pay into a public plan. What?

First of all, employers are in the midst of trying to cut their heath care costs for workers out of the equation altogether, or shift more of the cost to the workers. Why? They cannot afford to pay the bills any longer, plus the economy is not helping them either. So it is not too much of a surprise that workers who once had health coverage at work are now either without it or scrambling to find more money to pay a higher rate for it. In reality, how will health care reform deal with those issues?

He also said hospitals needed to be graded on their performance, improve their record keeping, and get more efficient. Nothing is wrong with those ideas, but honestly, doctors need to be stopped from charging such exorbitant rates for medical care and hospitals must stop gouging patients for everything from Kleenex to an extra pillow.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, November 21st, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

January 2012 Means It Is Time To Change Health Insurance Plans

Come January 2012, it will be time to revisit your health insurance coverage and make changes.

During the year, things change rapidly like the price of drugs, their availability, and whether you get generic or brand-name medications. Some new drugs may be added and some taken out of your drug regime. Various health insurance plans also change each year with new rules and regulations coming in and others being changed or replaced.

Before January arrives and you find yourself with health insurance that does not really suit your needs, do some in-depth personal evaluation of your health insurance coverage. You may find something else suits you better, particularly if you have changed employment, left employment, have new drugs in your cupboard or have changed networks.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, November 18th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Small Business Health Insurance a Way to Retain Good Employees

As the economic conditions continue to be uncertain, it is not surprising that employee loyalty over the last 3 years has decreased. So business owners are searching for different ways to not only keep the employees they have from moving on, but search for new talent to join their company.

A good starting point for business owners is to take a look at their health insurance offering. If their current offering is no longer competitive compared to similar companies, they run the risk of losing employees during this time of dwindling employee loyalty.

Make sure you dont lose your most valuable resource because your employee benefits package is outdated. It’s the perfect way to improve your employees’ financial health without handing out raises.

Get connected with a local agent and get your group health insurance quotes at

Posted on Friday, November 18th, 2011. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

When You Need Health Insurance the Most

Picture this, you get up one morning and promptly fall flat on your face. The room is spinning and you cannot move without help. You are taken to the hospital and told you have an inner ear disease that will require medication that could be needed for the rest of your life. The doctor sends you home and tells you how to manage the condition. The bill arrives. And you do not have health insurance.

Now what? You certainly do not have the $20,000 or more to pay for your two-day stay and the care and medications. You barely get by on what you make at work as it is. That is why you had stopped paying premiums on health insurance before. The reality of the necessity of having health insurance just hit home, because if you had still had your health insurance in place when you went to hospital, your bill would not have been so high.

This is a very hard way to learn a valuable lesson. Health insurance could save your life and keep you afloat financially if you need medical care. Think seriously about getting it.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, November 16th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Lexington KY Group Health Insurance Quotes

Whether its Anthem Blue Cross, United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana or any other carrier getting group health insurance quotes in Lexington Kentucky couldn’t be easier with Benepath’s online system.

Posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

Health Care Questions of the Century

We all know, or most of us do, that Obama has said that the health care reform act is designed for everyone’s benefit and that everyone will have access to affordable, high-quality care. Sounds great. Sounds like an election promise (and it was). However, first of all, since when has health care been affordable? Secondly, with the number of medical malpractice lawsuits filed every year and the number of deaths due to medical malpractice every year, where does the high-quality health care remark come into play?

This is not to say that all medical professionals are negligent, as many are outstanding, caring, good doctors. However, it is evident that there are enough bad medical professionals that mess the system up for the rest of them. Nonetheless, none of this addresses the costs of medical care. Sure, there are many reasons why medical care is so high, but in reality, it is so high because doctors charge what the market will bear. Except now, more people are going bankrupt and the bills are not getting paid.

Maybe it is time for doctors and other medical professionals to re-evaluate what they are charging for their services.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, November 14th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Lower Health Insurance Premiums Can Only Happen If We Take Responsibility For Our Own Health

A very common complaint heard on coffee row is the rising cost of health insurance premiums. This coming from a group of people who are smoking, eating a high-fat breakfast , and who drove to the local café despite the fact that they live just down the road from it is ironic. None of them exercise, other than to lift the TV remote and many of them drink in excess as well. Is it any wonder that those individuals have health problems that send them to a doctor more often than those who do not overindulge?

The bottom line here is that each and every one of us is directly responsible for our own health. If we strive to be healthy, we are healthy and we save money on health insurance premiums because of this. Bemoaning the high bills and the cost of premiums is counter-intuitive, when we are causing our own poor health because of our actions. If we want cheaper health insurance premiums, we have to commit to a healthy lifestyle. It is just that simple.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, November 11th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Further Thoughts On Health Care Reform

Some say one way to improve the cost of health care is to import prescription drugs. Well, it’s an idea, but Big Pharma would not go along with it. Of course, Americans are free to order online drugs from anywhere they want, including Canada, but use caution as you really have no guarantee that what you see online is indeed what you get in the mail.

What about mandated use of generic drugs? Much like mandated health care in 2014, should it actually come to pass, mandated use of generic drugs may well save the country billions. Of course the problem with that is the resistance the drug makers would put up about losing money.

Odd isn’t it that drug companies, who are supposed to exist to help make people better, actually create drugs that kill people and charge them astronomical amounts for the privilege. Even odder is the fact that at any time drug makers could make generic drugs of their own and sell them, making a nice chunk of change, but they choose not to because they prefer gouging patients for the big name drugs at three or more times the price of a generic drug.

It is time for consumers to do something about that and make a move to take more generic drugs instead.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, November 9th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.