At One Time the Government Wanted to Allow People to Buy Health Insurance In Any State
Anyone recall that during one of the more recent election campaigns that one candidate, who should remain nameless, (but ok, it was McCain) talked about banishing borders between states and letting anyone buy health insurance anywhere they wanted. Somehow, he seemed to think that would save consumers money.
It might have done that, but ask yourself this question: If you live in New Mexico and buy insurance in Alaska, how is it relevant in terms of what hospitals to use, which doctors to see and what you can and cannot do inside or outside any networks. The folks in Alaska could only sell a generic, basic policy that may save bucks, but if it does not address your health insurance needs when you need it, ultimately, what good is it?
You might also recall the senator wanted to let medical professionals practice wherever they wanted. While that might extend their ability to care for more patients, it does nothing to address what they charge. So, anyone else got some good ideas? Or do we wait to see if health care reform does kick into effect, mandating health insurance or else you get a penalty in 2014?
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit