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What Health Insurance Companies Should Offer

Health insurance companies would likely do a whole lot better when it comes to customer relations if they’d just take the time to point out to their customers what they “are” getting in their health insurance contract – and – what they are “not” getting. It only makes sense to find out what you are not covered for so you can make the decision to either get a different policy or up your coverage.

Never take the policy at face value and “assume” anything. Unless you know for sure what it says, you may find out later that your interpretation wasn’t the right one and the health insurance company that sold you the policy will shrug its shoulders and say: “We told you to read the policy.” They may just have a valid point. After all, would you go to a restaurant and not read the menu but expect to get what you wanted?

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Thursday, March 15th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

You Have to Read the Fine Print on Your Health Insurance Policy

If you don’t know what’s in your health insurance policy, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have no idea what they buy when it comes to health insurance. The thing is though, if you don’t know what health insurance you have until you need it, and then you find out you don’t have what you thought you did. You’re not going to be a happy camper. Read the fine print.

If you get caught without the kind of health insurance you “thought” you had, guess who pays the medical bill? Right, YOU do. So make it a point to know what you’ve got. If you don’t and get hung out to dry later, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Wednesday, March 14th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Policies For Now And For 2014

Still thinking you do not need health insurance? Right now, you can live that way if you choose and hope that nothing happens to you medically speaking – like a broken leg or arm, a car accident or slip and fall. Some people go years without needing any medical help. Then, one day, something happens and they go to the hospital and they cannot pay their bills, because they have no health insurance. Their options are very few and the lesson hits home hard.

With health insurance, the bills are less. Without it, debt and bankruptcy are intimate companions and this is just 2011. What do you think will happen when 2014 rolls around and you are mandated to have health insurance or be fined? Time to do some serious thinking about having health insurance before time runs out.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, March 7th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.