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Do You Really Need Health Insurance?

No doubt you have thought from time to time that there is no point in having health insurance. After all, you are healthy and you can save the money for something else. Yes, you may be healthy – now – but tomorrow, you may be in a car accident. Yes, you can save money each month by not paying a health insurance premium – but – if you get into an accident and end up in the hospital, if you do not have health insurance, who will pay your bill?

If you went 8 months without paying a premium and it was, as an example, $200 a month, you saved $1,600. Your bill for a two day stay, plus care for a broken leg, medications, and so forth is around $25,000. Even if you give them the $1,600, you still have to repay, not including interest, $23,400. Still think not having health insurance is a good idea?

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

Online Health Insurance the Norm

Hunting online for a health insurance quote is – well a royal pain. And on top of that, everything seems to change daily anyhow. It’s confusing and takes too much time to try and sort all the information out. There is an answer.

Look for a health insurance company that is up-to-date with all their health insurance information. Someone who is able to tell you what you need to know without using all the insurance jargon. You want a company who knows their stuff, knows where you live, provides you with several options, and effectively gives you a quote in the right insurance category. Also make it a point to talk directly to a licensed insurance agent who knows their stuff.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Sunday, July 1st, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.