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Rising Premiums Discourage Americans From Obtaining Insurance

While paying higher insurance premiums has discouraged many Americans from opting in to health insurance, in truth not having health insurance means a person would pay the full cost of medical care if they were hurt or ill.

Americans demand the very best in health care. While medical technology is developing rapidly, with the advancements, the price of medical care is going up. Currently, the price of insurance is built into what the hospital/medical professional is charging for services.

Here is how that works. Health insurance carriers work with a network of medical facilities and physicians to negotiate fees for office visits, prescription drugs, various procedures and other costs. In order to take advantage of the negotiated rates, individuals need health plans. Health insurance plans will cover some or most of any medical costs for insured individuals. However, those who do not have health insurance pay full price for all medical expenses.

Anyone opting out of health insurance because they may think they are healthy does not allow for protection from sudden, unexpected accidents or illnesses. Medical costs escalate quickly and unforeseen medical events can ruin a person’s financial health.

In any situation that requires medical care, it is best to have some form of insurance to help defray expenses. If an employer does not offer medical plans then the individual marketplace is the best place to source affordable options. If you are self-employed, a small business owner, a student or entrepreneur, the individual insurance market is the best option to find a plan that suits your circumstances.

As the current administration has been implementing changes to the health care system, it is difficult to know what kind of policy will suit your situation and budget best. When in doubt, reach out and talk to an experienced insurance agent who can help you choose what type of health insurance policy will protect you at a price you can afford.

Posted on Friday, June 29th, 2018. Filed under Health Insurance.

Buying High Deductible Health Insurance Plans is Trending

Low deductible health insurance plans were once very popular, offering low out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a major medical claim or an emergency. Low deductible health insurance plans still exist, but the trend now is to buy high deductible plans instead.

There are a number of ways to buy a high deductible health insurance plan, with the most common way being to buy a Health Savings Account (HAS). Customers with families are able to save several hundred dollars per month by opting to buy a Health Savings Account plan. HSAs offer one deductible for the family with no co-insurance and once the deductible is met, those on the plan are 100 percent covered.

Many people have difficulty with HSAs and are not able to utilize the full benefits offered. Often, many people do not invest their savings into the account. Regularly adding money the account means the funds in it are tax deductible and any interest earned is tax deferred. HASs are a good investment in you and your health. Perhaps the biggest benefits for account holders is their account can pay for any medical bills. Additionally any funds left over will roll over each year.

When buying a high deductible health insurance plan it is best to add supplemental benefits. In fact the two most often bought plans are the Accidental and Critical Illness plans. Having extra coverage is a smart thing to do as roughly 59 percent of all medical claims filed are for critical illnesses and approximately 19 percent are filed as a result of an accident. It is also important to remember that a health savings account plan covers all wellness exams 100 percent. Wellness exams include immunizations, pap smears, PSA exams, mammograms and colonoscopies.

With the current administration the health insurance marketplace is in flux, if you take the time to research your options, you will find plans that suit your lifestyle and budget.

Posted on Friday, June 1st, 2018. Filed under Health Insurance.