Health Insurancee

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Health Insurance Quotes Are the Tip of the Iceberg

Health insurance quotes are just the tip of the iceberg. Getting a quote does not tell you what is in the policy you may want or what is “not” in the policy you may want. It only tells you that you are eligible for health insurance based on some criteria you responded to when you asked for a quote. Really, you need to know more before making a buying decision.

Other things you need to know, besides the price of the policy, are what is included, what is excluded, what the co-pays are, what the deductibles are and – well, you get the idea, you need to do your homework and thoroughly cover your bases. Be sure you are getting what you really do need and want when it comes to a health insurance plan. No sense spending good money to get a policy that won’t cover you for something you “need” it for in the first place. This is one of the major reasons that you need to ask as many questions as you can when choosing a health insurance policy.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

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