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Health Insurance Quotes that Cover Autism

Unfortunately, if one of your family members happens to have autism, you can’t get health insurance coverage. At least, you can’t get it right now. That may change if Missouri gets its way and does introduce and get signed a bill that makes it mandatory for health insurance companies to offer cover for autism. It would be an enormous step forward not only for that state, but the number of families that may be able to utilize it for a family member.

Autism is far more common than we realize, but what many people don’t realize, is that most health insurance plans do not provide coverage for this neurological condition. Autism causes sufferers to experience mild to severe problems communicating with others and to struggle with social interaction. The time for intervention is in early childhood and by using a variety of programs that help those with autism to live a near normal life.

Treatment costs for this disorder are enormous and making coverage available for those with autism is exciting news. All eyes should be on Missouri now.

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