Health Insurancee

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Health Insurance Means Being Covered If You Get Hurt

There are very few people in this world that can go a lifetime and not get hurt or need to see a doctor. If you are one of them, bravo for you. Most people, however, will need to see a doctor. It is like death and taxes – both are inevitable. You may get a viral infection, pneumonia, break an arm, get into a car wreck, slip and fall and injure your spine, need tests for a sinus infection – you get the idea.

No one can totally escape seeing a doctor. Those who have not been to see one for years may suddenly find themselves in a real mess and needing help. Take the case of the 59-year-old man who suddenly developed a brain hemorrhage. He had avoided going to the doctor for 25 years and as a consequence, his blood pressure went totally out of control. He died within two days.

While that may not happen to you, you do need to have some kind of a measure of how you are doing physically, and that may include tests. If you have no health insurance, you pay for everything. Can you afford that? Most Americans cannot, not unless they have health insurance.

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