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Health Care Should Change Overnight

Wouldn’t that be something if health care could be changed overnight – right? Wouldn’t you like to pay out less money for health insurance and medical bills? Of course you would, but how do you accomplish that?

Unfortunately, this is an issue that rests squarely with the government, and one that they have evidently dropped the ball on for many years. At the present rate of price escalation for medical care, there will be millions of Americans who will not be able to seek medical care when they need it. This is something that goes against the rights entrenched in the Constitution.

While it would be nice if the system would change overnight, it is huge and slow to welcome or adapt to change. Furthermore, all the levels are linked together and if you make adjustments to one, it affects another level. Getting anything to change without a major battle is virtually impossible. It would take more than eight years as President to even scratch the surface of what needs changing in health care and make any kind of difference. So health care reform is a start, but where is it going?

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