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Health Insurance is Necessary, but Should You Get it Now or Later or Never?

Listen in on coffee row across the nation, and find out that one of the biggest, ongoing debates deals with whether or not to get health insurance now, later or not at all. Some think now is better, because there are good deals to be had and competition is a good thing. Others say why not wait until 2014 and get what’s going, but who really knows that that will be? And then, there is a group that thinks not buying insurance will save them big bucks. Not so.

Is there a right and wrong choice here? Not really. It is still up to the individual to choose what works for them. However, if they end up in an accident, and do not have health insurance, they usually wish they had taken it out, no matter what the expense, because they can’t pay the bills. So really, the issue is whether or not you can afford to pay for unexpected medical bills. Most people without insurance can’t, which creates a problem for them. While is it their choice, Americans really can’t afford to not have insurance.

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