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What you might not know about the ACA?

Many Americans are hoping for a reform in the health insurance system. They are hoping that the Trump administration delivers on its promises regarding health care. People want choices and perhaps that is what the incoming administration is planning to accomplish. It is not clear what changes may be made yet.

What most do no know is that in many states people only had one choice for their health insurance. What is worse is that in other states people had no choice in health insurance. Moreover, many of those who did sign up for insurance through the ACA, were unable to pay their premiums. Many people who qualified for the ACA, did not qualify for government subsidies.

The idea of the ACA was to get the young and healthy people to sign up to provide a cushion for those older Americans who do need health insurance more often. This, however, was not very successful. Young people were priced out of the market, as current wages do not keep up with the rising cost of living.

Obviously the health care system is incredibly imbalanced and a ponderously expensive entity that needs work to make it function well. Much like immigration reform, a replacement for the ACA is going to take some foresight and careful consideration.

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