Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Picking a Health Insurance Plan – Step 1

Before you buy a policy, you have to pick the health insurance plan to buy…

Too many people are trying to do this by themselves, thinking they can pick a health plan as easily as choosing a brand of peanut butter. More often than not, they end up very dissapointed with the results.Makes sense, but it just isn’t that easy.

My advice is to carefully choose an insurance agent and work with them to find the right coverage for you at the best possible price. Doing this is free and you directly benefit from the agent’s experience and expertise. Remember these men and women are doing this as a job and most insurance agents who sell individual health insurance focus on that market, meaning they are not really doing many other things than working with people like yourself to find health insurance.

So, they know which carriers pay their claims timely, they know which carriers have quality policies without lots of loopholes, they know which carriers have the best provider networks and so on. They also know the experience of their customers as they always get the call if things go wrong.

In future blogs I’ll give you some pointers on picking a good agent and on buying a policy yourself if you really don’t want an agent.

Happy Hunting!

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