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Health Insurance Plans Recommended by Agents

There is nothing wrong with buying a health insurance plan recommended by an agent. It might be just the thing you need. The problem is that if you do accept a recommendation at face value and don’t do some of your own checking, you might find that you have a policy that doesn’t really suit you and it costs more than you wanted to pay. This isn’t to say that the agent did a poor job; it just means that they don’t totally know “you,” but, you do know what you want. Knowing what you want and need is one of the smartest moves possible when it comes to buying health insurance plans. After all, it’s your body, your health and your money, so you will want something that fits your budget, addresses your health requirements and keeps the body running.

Ultimately, you need to delve deeper into what plans are recommended to you. They may suit you and they may not, but if you take the time to find that out, then you won’t be wondering what you may have missed out on that might have been less expensive and covered more.

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