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Health Insurance Debate over Fit Versus Fat

Some say that fit is best. Others say if you are fat you can still be fit, and some people have even proven that. What’s the truth? The truth is that each person is unique and what works for them won’t work for another individual. If a fat person is fit, then that worked for them and there you have it. If a fit person has terrible lifestyle choices when it comes to eating, are they really fit? Does it really matter a whole lot in the final analysis?

Frankly, any debate about health care issues tends to boil down to one side saying they are right and the other side saying no, they are right. Truth is that both of them are right – right for their particular points of view because that is what worked for them and thus is what’s right for them. If you want to just stay out of the hot debate over right versus wrong, then live well, eat healthy, be happy, reduce stress and do your best. That’s all you can do.

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