Health Insurancee

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So You’re Morbidly Obese, Why Do Insurance Companies Care How Much You Weigh?

Like recreational smoking, some individuals choose to eat whatever they want, whenever they want. Others have health conditions that make them more likely to struggle with maintaining a healthy weight. Why does this make a difference to an insurance company? They care because the more overweight you are, the more at risk you are for serious diseases like congestive heart failure or diabetes.

Insuring an overweight individual is a business risk, a financial business risk, and one that an insurance company does not take lightly. They stay in business because they wisely choose to reduce their risk of exposure to high risk customers, unless those same individuals are willing to pay higher premiums for coverage. Statistically speaking, overweight people spend more time dealing with serious health concerns than other individuals who are a healthy weight. It only makes good business sense to insure the healthier ones.

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