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Get Affordable Health Insurance Now instead of Being Forced to Get it Later

Act now to get affordable health insurance, before you are mandated to buy it in 2014.

It’s a funny world when the government tells you that you must have health insurance – or else you will be fined. While they appear to mean well and are hoping to have universal access to health insurance for everyone, regardless of their condition(s), people don’t much enjoy being told what to do. They enjoy it even less when being told what to do and what to buy will cost them money they don’t have.
It’s a tough situation for many Americans. Buy health insurance now, or later? Choose to go with the flow, get covered and be safe or pay a yearly fine and save money? That’s a bit of a misleading question, largely because paying a yearly fine for not having health insurance will not mean saving money. On the contrary, not having health insurance will still mean someone will have to pay the doctor’s bills, and that would be you. There is no savings to be had in the scenario.

Come 2014, health care reform says state plans will be in place for everyone and they will be subsidized by the government. One wonders where they will get the money to do that without pillaging the health care system, the military and a variety of other larger programs, but for now, why look a potential gift horse in the mouth? So, based on what the government says, by 2014, absolutely everyone will have a chance to have affordable health insurance.

By hook or by crook, the plan seems to be slowly moving forward. However, as with most legislation, there are scores of people who vehemently oppose it. Many are not insured by choice, and feel it is their right to have health insurance or not, as they see fit. They are adamant that government should not force them into a health insurance plan. There doesn’t appear to be any other option to this conundrum, other than paying a fine every year and if you can pay a fine every year, you have enough money to pay for an affordable health insurance policy.

Despite the fact that the government says the states will have health insurance for everyone, no one really knows if the government health insurance plan will offer sufficient coverage. Then what does someone do? Buy insurance because it is there and they must have it because they don’t want to be fined? This begs the question of why pay for insurance if it does not meet your needs. This is food for thought.
In the final analysis, in order to maintain some control over your own life and health, and not be forced into buying a policy later, start searching for an affordable health insurance plan now. Do your homework. Compare policies. Compare prices. Compare coverage. There are affordable health insurance plans out there, and better you get them now, rather than later.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

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