Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Do you really need health insurance?

Yes, you really do need health insurance. You will know that for an undisputed fact the minute you need medical care for something serious and you don’t have health insurance. When your treatment is done and you head home with your broken wrist or ankle to recuperate, you will be glad you were able to have a doctor set the break.

When the bill arrives in the mail, you will be faced with a difficult situation. How on earth are you going to pay that kind of money? A broken wrist can run to about $30,000. Do you have that kind of money in the bank? Likely not. If you’d had health insurance, you would not be between a rock and a hard place. If you don’t have health insurance, you might want to think twice about getting it soon.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, November 5th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Means Being Well

If you don’t have health insurance and you need medical care, who is going to pay the bill? It is a tough question that many Americans are asking themselves these days. With health insurance in play, it means being well, because there is access to preventive care from your primary health care provider. If you don’t have health insurance and need care, you will have to go to an ER for help. The cost of an ER visit is over $1,000.

Do you have that kind of money to pay for services? Most patients don’t. On the other hand, if they had a health insurance plan in place, they would not be paying the full freight for the invoice. Food for thought. Do you want to be well or be bankrupt paying your medical bills?

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

Sorting Through Health Insurance Quotes

When you start the process of searching for a health plan, the first step is getting quotes for yourself or your family. There are many places on the internet where you can do this, including Benepath, but there are also many places that tell you they provide quotes and then sell your information to multiple agents. Then all you get is a phone that will not stop ringing…

So, make sure you use a reputable site before you give anyone your information.

Once you have your quotes, you need to start your analysis and using a simple knock out process will help you get there a lot faster. Here is a summary of the best way to narrow your list of quotes:

  1. Set your budget as a range and eliminate all the quotes that are 10-15% more than your budget. Believe me, you want to consider quotes that are a little bit more because with health insurance – you get what you pay for and sometimes a few dollars more can mean big savings to you down the road.
  2. Decide if you want complete freedom of choice or whether you are willing to see just a select group of doctors. Then knock out all the plans that don’t provide you with the choice you want.
  3. Determine if having a copay for an office visit is worth the trade off for a much higher out of pocket expense in case you end up with a serious medical event. A broken leg can cost as much as $15,000 and I can tell you there are lots of consumers that bought plans with $30 copays thinking that was important and then ended up with a $5,000 bill from a broken leg. Then rule out the plans that don’t have the features you want.

After doing those 3 simple knockouts, you should be down to just a handful of plans. From there, you need to do a side by side comparison and decide which one gives you the most for your money.

At the end of the day, using an agent to help you through all of this is free and they have many plans you will not find online which may be a good alternative for you as well.

by: Clelland Green

Posted on Wednesday, October 10th, 2012. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

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Posted on Monday, September 24th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

What Is Term Life Insurance?

So your looking to do a little research on what exactly term life insurance is right? Term life can be easily defined as what it is, coverage for a specific term. Unlike whole coverage which is indefinite coverage. Generally you can buy a term life policy for periods of five years or more.

Your policy will be active until the term you chose is fulfilled. Your term life insurance rates can be determined by a number of different factors including age, lifestyle, etc.. a term life policy you can match a term to your specific needs. Like say you have a 15 year mortgage and you want to make sure your term policy will be enough to cover the cost of your mortgage as well as the term being as long as the mortgage.

There are many different types of benefits to a term life policy. Whether your single or married you can find a policy that best suits your needs. Planning for any type of life insurance doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck. In fact it can be quite comforting knowing your loved ones will be taken care. You can get free competitive term life insurance quotes by clicking here or visiting our website

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Finding Affordable Life Insurance Coverage

Affordable life insurance is a reality contrary to what else you may see floating around the internet. Low cost life insurance is readlily available in many different forms for those looking to protect loved ones. The key is finding a policy that provides you with best value and at the same time a reasonable monthly premium.

The easiest way to buy life insurance ultimately hinges on what you are looking for and the amount of coverage that your willing to invest in. The question becomes how much coverage do you need? Ayone can easily figure this out by going to one of the millions of life insurance quote engines available to you on the internet. Click Here to get free and instant life insurance rates based on your age and location.

Just simply browse through your rates and compare companies to see which is the best fit for you and your family. Or if you own a home you might want to look into a few different mortgage life insurance options that are available to protect you and your family. Either way it’s very simple to compare and find the right coverage for yourself.

Choose a rate and a company and contact one of their life insurance agents so they can answer any questions you have and take you step by step through the process of becoming insured.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Online Life Insurance Companies. Which To Choose?

There are literally ten’s of thousands of life insurance companies wanting to compete for your business online every day. With that said how can you choose? How do you find the most affordable life insurance rates with the best coverage? The top life insurance companies differ from each other when it comes to pricing. There are tons of factors that go into your final selection.

One of the biggest, is which companies are going to rate you in the preferred or cheaper category based on your current health and lifestyle. The difference between pricing can be small from company to company but the difference in category can be huge. Another big factor in choosing the right company is the time it will take for your policy to go into effect.

Some life insurance companies can take several months for a policy to go into effect due to underwriting and different processes. Don’t overly concern yourself with this though as a good independent life agent will who works with many companies will know the ins and outs of each company and can help you choose the best one.

Don’t rely on speculation when it comes to choosing the right insurance company for you and you family. Instead, just take a look at what other consumers say about the best life insurance companies available today. You can accomplish this with a quick online search and read through reviews on any company that you might be interested in doing business with. This is also a great and quick way to find competitive online life insurance rates for yourself.

Here are a few of the top rated companies to get you started.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Whole Life Insurance Or Term Life Insurance? What’s The Difference?

A confusing fact for many people in search of a life insurance policy. Which is the right one for me? Well first before you decide anything let’s go over the difference between the two most popular, term life insurance and whole life insurance. Term life is just your basic life policy and often the most popular. A term policy is life coverage only, on the death of the insured it pays the face amount to the beneficiary named on the policy.

Now whole life is a little different, it’s a combination of term and an investment component. The investment portion could be in bonds, money market accounts or stocks. Basically the policy builds cash value that you can borrow against. Whole life insurance is much more expensive than term because your not only paying for the insurance but aspect but also the investment portion too. The three most common types of whole life are traditional whole life, universal and variable life insurance.

Even though whole life is much more expensive that’s not to say it’s a bad idea. Wealthy people can use a whole life policy in their estate planning by setting up an insurance trust that will pay their estate taxes with the policy proceeds. If your looking for whole life or term life coverage make sure your doing your research on a professional and well respected company to go with.

You want some assurance that the company you choose will be around incase you aren’t. For life insurance companies you can do a quick search on the internet and read thousands of reviews of all the major players in the life insurance game before you decide on a company. Do a quick search and get some standard rates so you can get a feel for what kind of premiums you will be looking at. You can get an instant term life insurance quote by clicking here.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Insurance Used to be Sold Door-to-Door

Can you imagine health insurance being sold door-to-door? On the phone? Via snail mail, flyers and posters? That is the way it used to be sold. Now, you just go online and enter a search term for the kind of health insurance you are interested in, and suddenly, a whole world of insurance companies are at your beck and call, waiting for you to ask for a quote. It’s much easier than it used to be to get information as well, since most of what you need to know is right on the website. What you don’t see, just call the contact number or email them and ask questions.

Health insurance is still the number one thing you need to have in your life, aside from your friends and family. Without it, you are out on a limb should you need medical care. Back then, things were not as expensive as they are now, and if you ever got slapped with a $30,000 bill for medical care, you’d be hard pressed to pay for it, and that is a smaller amount. Imagine what heart surgery would cost? Take your life seriously, because no one else will. Get health insurance now.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Insurance is Your First Down Partner if You Get Hurt

Thinking that health insurance might be a good idea since your best buddy just got hammered in a car accident and will be in hospital for several months recovering? He had no health insurance and his bills are the stuff nightmares are made of. He is kicking himself now for not having insurance, because he thought he could save the money. He did save money alright, but it won’t do him much good now, not when a one day stay in hospital and his initial care will total well over $4,000. Scary isn’t it? It’s the wake-up call you never expected and time to get serious about protecting your own health. Start now by going online and surfing several insurance websites. Get any idea of what is out there. Write stuff down. Ask questions and get what you need to know to make an informed decision. You never want to be in the same place your buddy is in.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Saturday, July 28th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.
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