Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Short-term health insurance may be just the ticket for you if you are in a transition period

Depending on your situation, you may need a unique kind of health insurance.

Let’s say your life is in transition. Maybe you have started a new job, are moving, or are getting married, or are going away to school. You may not be sure about your future plans at any given moment, but still know that you need health insurance. What can you do to make sure you have a policy during this transitional period?

You may want to consider short-term health insurance. It is a perfect choice for people who aren’t certain what they need down the road, or when that will be. Short-term health insurance is a temporary solution, and may be just the right thing for you right now.

As the name implies, short-term health insurance is taken out for a short period of time, which allows you to quickly drop it, when you need to do so. In most cases, short-term health coverage only applies to major health issues, ones that radically alter your life in a catastrophic manner.

Who might be interested in short-term, catastrophic health insurance? Often this kind of insurance is appealing to part-time and temporary workers — those who are transitioning from one job to another, or for recent college graduates in the process of applying for a job. These policies are typically sold to those under the age of 65.

With a short-term policy, you usually have the ability to pick any specialist or doctor you want to see. It also covers surgery, diagnostic tests, after-care visits, drugs, and hospital and emergency services. Be aware of the limitations, which may include limited coverage for mental health care, no coverage for Pap tests, preventative care or shots, and it does not cover any pre-existing conditions — hence the low premiums.

These policies are appealing to a large number of people, thanks to how easy they can be to get, how fast they are processed, and their low cost and high-coverage limits. Many people also like the short application they need to use to get this type of a policy. Just be sure you are completely aware of what this kind of coverage entails, because the last thing you need is to buy a policy that does not meet your needs.

Posted on Monday, August 19th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Don’t take the first health insurance quote you get as ironclad and buy that policy

While it may be tempting to take action on the first reasonably-priced health insurance quote you get, do not buy a policy based on price alone.

You know you shop around for home insurance or car insurance. You do that because you know that if you shop around, you can often get a better deal. The same thing may be said about health insurance quotes. Shop around. You will find a good deal.

There is a trick to health insurance shopping, though, and that trick is to not buy the very first policy that is a good price. This is because most people do not take the time to actually read the policy or even understand what is in it. That can later turn out to be a bad decision when they go to use their inexpensive health insurance policy, only to find out it does not cover them for what they assumed it did.

Sometimes those cheap policies do suit your needs. But you need to know that the policy is the right one, before you spend money on something that may not serve your needs in the future. Why not take the time to research what is out there and get to know, in general, what would work for you? You would do that if you wanted to insure your car. Your body is your vehicle, so why not make sure you get a policy that takes care of it when it needs maintenance or a serious overhaul?

Just as it takes you time to compare car or house insurance quotes, it will take time to compare health insurance quotes. This is a good thing, because in the process, you come to understand that what is in the four corners of a health insurance policy is very important to you. You need to rely on that to protect your health. So take the time to compare quotes to make sure you get a policy that does help you later.

Got questions? Don’t we all when it comes to health insurance? Pick up the phone. Call an agent. Ask about everything you need to know and then ask more questions. It’s your health and if you want it insured in a way that makes sense, you have to have enough information to make an informed decision.

Posted on Thursday, August 15th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health insurance can be less expensive if you are in good health

Your health insurance can be far less expensive if you are in good shape.

Perhaps you smoke, or drink, or do recreational drugs. Maybe you do not exercise enough, or you don’t eat right as often as you should. Those lifestyle choices can cost you.

If you do not already have health insurance and then decide that you want or need it, you may find that you have a harder time obtaining it if you are not in good shape. You might smoke and then decide to have health insurance, but discover that your premiums as a smoker are quite high. The premiums are high because when you smoke, you put your health at risk. Since insurance companies are in business to make money and take reasonable risks insuring people, if you smoke, or are quite obese, you may not be considered to be a reasonable insurable risk. That means you will pay more for insurance. Those who do not smoke or who are not significantly overweight do not shell out the same kind of money on premiums.

Many insurance companies charge premiums according to the health of every applicant. Age, gender and occupation are also factored into the cost, as are pre-existing and current health issues. Figuring out a person’s premium is done according to the Health Status Rating (HSR) system, which charges higher premiums for those with a history of medical conditions or those who have current health issues.

The HSR outlines certain conditions that may increase the chances that new applicants would need health care. For those who show a rating that indicates they may need health care, the premiums are higher. Right now, insurance companies have the option to decline coverage or offer the applicant a policy based on their health. Declining to insure someone may not be an option in 2014.

Many things may change next year, and in order to keep up with those changes, insurance policies may also evolve. Based on the changes to come, companies may start screening the wellness and health of their employees in order to take control the costs of health insurance they are offering to workers.

Staying in shape may mean substantial savings on health insurance premiums. Perhaps revamping your lifestyle is something to seriously consider.

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Posted on Tuesday, August 13th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

What happens if I go to hospital and have no health care insurance?

There are several answers to this question and you won’t like any of them. Two of them, however, are things you definitely need to know. There are some hospitals that refuse to treat people without health insurance. While they don’t SAY this to you, you may find yourself shuffled around and then taken somewhere else that takes people without insurance. Will the quality of care be good? It may be. It may not be. You basically have no control over what happens, because you have no health insurance.

Some hospitals that go ahead and treat someone without health insurance will send a bill later. It’s that bill that spells the end of the end financially for the family that receives it. It an individual was in the hospital for a broken bone, they may find a bill in the mail for up to $20,000, and that would be a clean break without any complications and no surgery required. If you need more than that, your bill goes up. Can you afford that? If the answer is a loud “NO,” get health insurance coverage, even if it means not going to the movies a few times a month, or you have to cut back on smoking. Find the money to protect your life. It’s a worthwhile investment.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Tuesday, August 6th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

To buy or not to buy health insurance

People debate this issue non-stop in coffee shops, kitchens, hospitals and just about any place where they need medical attention. So many Americans these days still think they can make it by without having health insurance. That is just plain wrong. It they get into an accident, fall, break a bone or sustain head trauma, or a heart attack, who pays their medical bills if they do not have health insurance? The answer is that they pay their medical bills and are likely go bankrupt trying to do so.
And if they go bankrupt, how does that help the health care system, which is already struggling to keep up with massive debts loads. This is not an easy situation to solve, but one thing is abundantly clear. Those with health insurance have a fallback that helps pay medical bills when they need to see a doctor or go to hospital. Those without health care are between a rock and a hard place. Get your health insurance quotes now and make some life supporting and smart health care decisions.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 15th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Originally Health Insurance Plans Were for Emergencies

More people are using hospitals for care they should be getting from their own doctors.

The health care system is a bit strange. It’s not universal health care, and it was originally created for crisis type emergencies such as heart attacks, traumatic brain injury or spinal injuries etc.

In the 21st century, the system is jammed with people who use hospitals like they were in a doctor’s office. This has bent the system so far out of shape it’s amazing.

To fill these holes, health insurance companies offered health insurance quotes to those who needed the health insurance for emergencies. However, needing health insurance and affording it are two different things.

Many Americans say they can’t afford health care. In fact, close to 4 million of them have decided to not carry health insurance, even when provided with affordable health insurance quotes. Cost was given as the reason for their decision not to get insurance.

That may be questionable, but then again, by 2014 these individuals will be mandated to have health insurance.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 1st, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Personal Health Care Makes a Difference to Health Insurance Quotes

Thanks to the poor shape the general populace is in, health care costs are rapidly spiraling out of control. Health care costs, despite the coming reform, are ballooning even faster than the price of inflation.

This dismal fact has a drastic effect on the economy. What also affects health insurance quotes is the shape people are in these days. Personal health care, as in taking care of yourself personally and staying in shape has an enormous impact on health insurance quotes.

An effective solution to better personal health is a hard thing to attempt for some people, but even on an individual level, people can start trying to turn things around by taking more responsibility for themselves. It starts by not always running to the doctor for things they could likely take care of on their own.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, June 20th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Will 2014 bring affordable health insurance?

There’s a lot of hype about what health insurance policies will cost in 2014. Does anyone know if it is true? In a word? No. It could go either way, as it is largely uncharted territory. While it is nice to suggest bulk buying in turn reduces premium prices that is not always the way things work. But the thing is, not everyone will want the choices presented to them. That’s inevitable. Some say there will not be as many choices then as there is now. But who knows?

Some pundits also speculate that prices may be higher because there is a captive market. Then again, they could be lower, because that same market is large and if they all buy a policy, the insurance dudes can lower prices. And then, what about the government? Where do they fit into all of this? What are they going to do for those who need health insurance, but are homeless? And they pay for a policy how? 2014 is likely to bring more questions, rather than provide clear direction and answers for people wanting how the new normal will affect them. Get your health insurance now. It’s a smart way to beat the confusion.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, June 6th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

If you want to get affordable health insurance quotes, stick with a reputable insurance provider

So you think that getting health insurance is not going to happen, because it is too expense and you don’t have the money. That’s an old myth. The reality is you can get affordable health insurance quotes these days, specifically suited to your budget. In short, you have the control over what you want to pay for a policy. Yes, you may need to spend a bit more if you want extra things added, but by and large, you can find what you need for a reasonable price; more so NOW, than waiting until 2014. No one really knows what pricing will be like then.

In any event, most people would prefer to look for insurance on their own and not get told what they have to buy. There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to health insurance. Like fingerprints, your health is a strictly personal thing. And about not getting health insurance? Without health insurance in a medical crisis, you will have a bill so big, you may need to mortgage your home to pay it. Financially, you will be close to bankruptcy. Think twice about not having health insurance. Your physical and financial health depends on it.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Now is the time to check into health insurance quotes for your future wellness

There is just a short jump from now until 2014, when you will be required to have health insurance. Many Americans do not like to be told what to do, what to buy or how much they will pay for it. It feels like a loss of control over their lives. In reality, health insurance IS a major necessity, because without it, you run the risk of losing everything you ever worked for during your life.

What’s the solution? Get online NOW and start looking for health insurance quotes that meet your needs and budget and choose what works the best for your lifestyle. Choices! We all like having choices and deals, right? If you get your health insurance now, you have some say over what you want, how much you pay, what type of coverage you have and what supplements you do or do not want. It’s the best of both worlds at the moment, as the competition is fierce for new customers. That means deals are to be had if you just take the time to look for them.

Click here and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Saturday, May 11th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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