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Finding Affordable Life Insurance Coverage

Affordable life insurance is a reality contrary to what else you may see floating around the internet. Low cost life insurance is readlily available in many different forms for those looking to protect loved ones. The key is finding a policy that provides you with best value and at the same time a reasonable monthly premium.

The easiest way to buy life insurance ultimately hinges on what you are looking for and the amount of coverage that your willing to invest in. The question becomes how much coverage do you need? Ayone can easily figure this out by going to one of the millions of life insurance quote engines available to you on the internet. Click Here to get free and instant life insurance rates based on your age and location.

Just simply browse through your rates and compare companies to see which is the best fit for you and your family. Or if you own a home you might want to look into a few different mortgage life insurance options that are available to protect you and your family. Either way it’s very simple to compare and find the right coverage for yourself.

Choose a rate and a company and contact one of their life insurance agents so they can answer any questions you have and take you step by step through the process of becoming insured.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Online Life Insurance Companies. Which To Choose?

There are literally ten’s of thousands of life insurance companies wanting to compete for your business online every day. With that said how can you choose? How do you find the most affordable life insurance rates with the best coverage? The top life insurance companies differ from each other when it comes to pricing. There are tons of factors that go into your final selection.

One of the biggest, is which companies are going to rate you in the preferred or cheaper category based on your current health and lifestyle. The difference between pricing can be small from company to company but the difference in category can be huge. Another big factor in choosing the right company is the time it will take for your policy to go into effect.

Some life insurance companies can take several months for a policy to go into effect due to underwriting and different processes. Don’t overly concern yourself with this though as a good independent life agent will who works with many companies will know the ins and outs of each company and can help you choose the best one.

Don’t rely on speculation when it comes to choosing the right insurance company for you and you family. Instead, just take a look at what other consumers say about the best life insurance companies available today. You can accomplish this with a quick online search and read through reviews on any company that you might be interested in doing business with. This is also a great and quick way to find competitive online life insurance rates for yourself.

Here are a few of the top rated companies to get you started.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Whole Life Insurance Or Term Life Insurance? What’s The Difference?

A confusing fact for many people in search of a life insurance policy. Which is the right one for me? Well first before you decide anything let’s go over the difference between the two most popular, term life insurance and whole life insurance. Term life is just your basic life policy and often the most popular. A term policy is life coverage only, on the death of the insured it pays the face amount to the beneficiary named on the policy.

Now whole life is a little different, it’s a combination of term and an investment component. The investment portion could be in bonds, money market accounts or stocks. Basically the policy builds cash value that you can borrow against. Whole life insurance is much more expensive than term because your not only paying for the insurance but aspect but also the investment portion too. The three most common types of whole life are traditional whole life, universal and variable life insurance.

Even though whole life is much more expensive that’s not to say it’s a bad idea. Wealthy people can use a whole life policy in their estate planning by setting up an insurance trust that will pay their estate taxes with the policy proceeds. If your looking for whole life or term life coverage make sure your doing your research on a professional and well respected company to go with.

You want some assurance that the company you choose will be around incase you aren’t. For life insurance companies you can do a quick search on the internet and read thousands of reviews of all the major players in the life insurance game before you decide on a company. Do a quick search and get some standard rates so you can get a feel for what kind of premiums you will be looking at. You can get an instant term life insurance quote by clicking here.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Insurance Used to be Sold Door-to-Door

Can you imagine health insurance being sold door-to-door? On the phone? Via snail mail, flyers and posters? That is the way it used to be sold. Now, you just go online and enter a search term for the kind of health insurance you are interested in, and suddenly, a whole world of insurance companies are at your beck and call, waiting for you to ask for a quote. It’s much easier than it used to be to get information as well, since most of what you need to know is right on the website. What you don’t see, just call the contact number or email them and ask questions.

Health insurance is still the number one thing you need to have in your life, aside from your friends and family. Without it, you are out on a limb should you need medical care. Back then, things were not as expensive as they are now, and if you ever got slapped with a $30,000 bill for medical care, you’d be hard pressed to pay for it, and that is a smaller amount. Imagine what heart surgery would cost? Take your life seriously, because no one else will. Get health insurance now.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 30th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Denied Health Insurance because You Weigh 420 pounds?

Being morbidly obese is tough on you health wise, but then you already know that, because that is all you hear when you go to the doctor. Whether you got to that weight due to lifestyle choices or genetics or other circumstances, you still need to have some form of insurance. Most companies look at your sideways and suggest your premiums will be very high because of your weight, implying without directly saying that it must have been your choice to be that heavy. This isn’t the case in many instances, but those who deal with obesity have a tough time getting reasonably priced insurance.

The reason for that is because the more you weigh, the greater your chances for serious medical complications. Yes, the same thing your doctor has been telling you for years. The more you use the system, the higher your premiums will likely be, as the insurance company is footing part of your bills and don’t want to lose money on you.

If you do get insurance, be prepared to pay extra. It is what it is. If you do not, you might want to look into the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP), a temporary program, bridging the gap between now and 2014. At that time, it will be illegal to discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, July 26th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Affordable Health Insurance Quotes are Available Now

Take advantage of affordable health insurance quotes now, before 2014.

Anticipation is running high for more changes to the health care system in 2014. People are beginning to realize that if they don’t get insurance now, then they will have to get insurance, or else they will be fined. What a conundrum. Is there any way around it? Yes, go online now and check out the affordable health insurance quotes that are available. It’s best to act now, as no one knows for sure what the prices will be like in 2014.
The chance that policies will be higher in 2014 is quite likely, simply based on the fact that insurance companies have been told they may not refuse to insure anyone, even those with pre-existing conditions. Since insurance companies are businesses, they want to make money to cover the risks associated with insuring high risk people. That generally means higher priced premiums. Act now to find affordable health insurance quotes and get a policy in place to beat the last minute rush.

The bottom line in health care these days is you need to have health insurance – now or later. There is no other sensible choice. Without health insurance, you will be dinged to pay the enormous bill you incurred for medical services rendered without the benefit of health insurance. Do you have over $100,000 for heart surgery? More than $30,000 for a broken leg or arm? $15,000 or more for a two-day stay in hospital for pneumonia? You get the picture. No insurance, no one to help pay the bill. With insurance, you have help. It’s pretty straightforward.

Some type of health insurance is necessary, whether it is basic coverage or a deluxe plan that covers just about everything. In other words, the choice is up to you to take advantage of the best options that suit your lifestyle. There are many ways to reduce the cost of your premiums, like increasing the deductible. Ask your insurance agent about how to save money on health insurance. They get asked that all the time, and have no issues letting you know what you can do to save money.

The most important thing is that you start now to search for affordable health insurance quotes. It only takes a few minutes of your time, and may be done in the comfort of your own home. Right now, there are a number of really good deals and the competition in the insurance industry is to your advantage. Get a deal now, rather than take a chance that later there are no deals and you get what you get.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Wednesday, July 11th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Texas Health Insurance Quotes for Small Business

Getting a great plan is not hard if you do your searching for health insurance in Texas by visiting the right website and work with a good insurance agent.

From Houston to El Paso, Benepath has been working with local insurance agents throughout the state to provide a variety of quotes and quality coverage to consumers. Agents who work with Benepath represent all of the major insurance carriers including Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Humana, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, CIGNA and the local HMO’s as well.

Texas small businesseses have been getting help at since 2006 as well. Many of these agents offer group health insurance as well as ancillary benefits like group dental, life and disability insurance. Many of these agents also provide retirement plans like 401(k)’s and Simple IRA’s.

Good luck in your search!

by Clelland Green

Posted on Tuesday, June 26th, 2012. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Get Affordable Health Insurance Now instead of Being Forced to Get it Later

Act now to get affordable health insurance, before you are mandated to buy it in 2014.

It’s a funny world when the government tells you that you must have health insurance – or else you will be fined. While they appear to mean well and are hoping to have universal access to health insurance for everyone, regardless of their condition(s), people don’t much enjoy being told what to do. They enjoy it even less when being told what to do and what to buy will cost them money they don’t have.
It’s a tough situation for many Americans. Buy health insurance now, or later? Choose to go with the flow, get covered and be safe or pay a yearly fine and save money? That’s a bit of a misleading question, largely because paying a yearly fine for not having health insurance will not mean saving money. On the contrary, not having health insurance will still mean someone will have to pay the doctor’s bills, and that would be you. There is no savings to be had in the scenario.

Come 2014, health care reform says state plans will be in place for everyone and they will be subsidized by the government. One wonders where they will get the money to do that without pillaging the health care system, the military and a variety of other larger programs, but for now, why look a potential gift horse in the mouth? So, based on what the government says, by 2014, absolutely everyone will have a chance to have affordable health insurance.

By hook or by crook, the plan seems to be slowly moving forward. However, as with most legislation, there are scores of people who vehemently oppose it. Many are not insured by choice, and feel it is their right to have health insurance or not, as they see fit. They are adamant that government should not force them into a health insurance plan. There doesn’t appear to be any other option to this conundrum, other than paying a fine every year and if you can pay a fine every year, you have enough money to pay for an affordable health insurance policy.

Despite the fact that the government says the states will have health insurance for everyone, no one really knows if the government health insurance plan will offer sufficient coverage. Then what does someone do? Buy insurance because it is there and they must have it because they don’t want to be fined? This begs the question of why pay for insurance if it does not meet your needs. This is food for thought.
In the final analysis, in order to maintain some control over your own life and health, and not be forced into buying a policy later, start searching for an affordable health insurance plan now. Do your homework. Compare policies. Compare prices. Compare coverage. There are affordable health insurance plans out there, and better you get them now, rather than later.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Friday, June 15th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health insurance Quotes Offer a Wide Variety of Choices for Good Health Coverage

For good health coverage search for health insurance quotes that properly address your medical care requirements.

It’s funny that when people start to look for health insurance, the first thing they tend to consider is how much it is going to cost them. In reality, they need to first think about why they need health insurance, what medical conditions they need covered and what type of protection they need. If they want security, they need to know what will ensure their security, before going online to find health insurance quotes.
It’s a no brainer that every day people are hurt. Accidents, falls, injuries, sickness and death are part of life, with and without health insurance. With health insurance you are covered and your bills won’t break the bank. Without health insurance, that is another story; one that may land you in bankruptcy court. No one wants to scare anyone here, but the fact is life happens and the very best way to face the uncertain medical future is to find the right health insurance quotes to suit your needs.

No one is suggesting that you get online and find the cheapest health insurance quotes possible, although many do just that. Often it is best to not buy the cheapest health insurance you can find, because what you pay for may not be what you think you are getting. Too many Americans these days do not pay attention to what their health insurance covers, and as a result of this inattention to details, find themselves paying for something they thought was covered in their health insurance, but wasn’t.

Start first with several health insurance quotes and then do some comparisons, never forgetting that you also need to know what is not covered, just as much as what is covered. Cheap does not always mean it will suit your circumstances, so be careful to ask a lot of questions about the policies you are considering.

For instance, before you search for health insurance, determine what you really need. Then consider your budget. If the plan that you really need is a few more dollars, don’t think twice about getting it. It is your health, and it is important, not to mention the fact that you do not want to end up struggling to pay enormous medical bills when you don’t have the money to do so.

How much money do you have to spend? How much wiggle room is there for you? Set a budget, but be prepared to have room to maneuver. Often people find the ideal policy for them, but it is a bit above their set budget. Make adjustments to your budget to get want you want and need, because without it, the other cheaper policies won’t cover you when you need it the most. So, really, why pay for a policy that doesn’t cover you?

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Monday, June 11th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

So You Smoke, Why Do Insurance Companies Care What You Do?

Smoking is a personal choice, right? You either choose to do it or not. Why does it become someone else’s business when you want to buy health insurance? It’s your life and your choice what you do with it. Well, yes, that is true, but since you want this same insurance company to insure your life, you will need to pay more for them to do that, because by smoking you are placing yourself at risk for various serious and/or deadly diseases.

If you expect them to take the risk that you will kill yourself smoking, then you have to also expect your insurance premiums will be higher because of the choices you make. Insuring people is a business and a company won’t take that risk unless they can cover it off with higher premiums, or outright decline. So while it is your choice to live or die, it is their choice to insure or not insure your lifestyle decisions that put their bottom line at risk.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, June 7th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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