Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Health Insurance Debate over Fit Versus Fat

Some say that fit is best. Others say if you are fat you can still be fit, and some people have even proven that. What’s the truth? The truth is that each person is unique and what works for them won’t work for another individual. If a fat person is fit, then that worked for them and there you have it. If a fit person has terrible lifestyle choices when it comes to eating, are they really fit? Does it really matter a whole lot in the final analysis?

Frankly, any debate about health care issues tends to boil down to one side saying they are right and the other side saying no, they are right. Truth is that both of them are right – right for their particular points of view because that is what worked for them and thus is what’s right for them. If you want to just stay out of the hot debate over right versus wrong, then live well, eat healthy, be happy, reduce stress and do your best. That’s all you can do.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, August 2nd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Means Your Wealth, Literally

That old saying that health means wealth is so true. If you are not healthy, you can’t work. If you can’t work, you don’t have an income. Rather like a vicious circle. Thus, the best plan, besides finding an affordable health insurance plan, is to stay as healthy as you can and work at it. The things you want the most in life, you generally have to work hard for them.

Even if you are healthy though, you will still need some form of a health insurance policy. Why? Because sometimes bad things happen to good people, and you will need that policy to help you pay your unexpected medical bills. If you have kids, or even if you don’t, you too can trip over something and fall and break a wrist or leg. Things happen and without health insurance in place to deal with such disasters, you get soaked for paying the bill on your own. Try to stay as healthy as possible. It may be your best bet yet.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, July 7th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

The Biggest Looming Question About Health Insurance Is the Price

The first question on many people’s lips when it comes to the mandatory health insurance is: “What’s it going to cost?” Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of answers swirling out in cyberspace or anywhere else for that matter. On one hand, if insurance companies can’t turn down anyone, they may ultimately lose money insuring health risks. On the other hand they may have a pool of really healthy people that won’t need much in the way of coverage and the whole thing may just balance out.

There’s an awful lot of speculation these days about the end result of these enormous changes to the health care system that are about to begin and have, in some cases, already started. For instance, if there is no universal coverage lifetime limits, will premiums go up for everyone to cover the eventuality? Only time will tell.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit http://www,

Posted on Friday, June 18th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Reduce Your Health Insurance Quotes by Loosing Weight the Right Way

For the 2/3’s of the people in the US who are either overweight or obese you will either pay more for health insurance or not be able to get health insurance because of your weight, at least until 2014. Like it or not, these people have a much greater chance of getting sick than the 1/3 of the population who are not overweight and the actual average medical expenses are 3 times greater than the people with healthy weight.

If you are in this group, when you get an online quote for health insurance expect the actual rate that you end up with to be at least 50% more than what you are looking at on the screen. That is about $3000 more a year for the typical family of 4 with a high deductible HSA type plan and about $6000 more if you opt for a plan with copays and low deductibles.

So, loosing the weight will pay off in real terms right away – if you can do it.

Now I am not a nutritionist, physician, etc. I am someone who did not get the right genes and have to fight my weight every day. So, I can empathize with those of you who look at your skinny friends who eat everything in site and don’t gain a pound while you eat what you consider to be modest portions and never loose weight.

But I have closely known many of the people who claim that its genes and I know the truth. If you are obese it is extremely likely that you:


  1. Eat more than you think
  2. Don’t exercise or exercise very infrequently
  3. If you do exercise, it gives you an excuse to have a quarter pounder, milk shake, gator aid, french fries, etc
  4. When you diet, you start some form of a food program that is essentially starving you – a program you could never actually live the rest of your life on. So, you loose some weight, go back to your old habits and gain it all back – and then some…
The math behind weight gain and weight loss does not require a Phd do understand:
Weight Gain is the Result of Taking in More Calories than You Burn
Weight Loss is the Result of Burning More Calories than You Take In
If you have a “slow” metabolism, see a doctor to verify it and then do something about it.
If you are ready to be honest with yourself and admit to the above, then you may be ready to change your behavior and loose weight in a healthy manner and then keep it off for life.
What do you need to change?
  1. Your Diet – And I do not mean diet in the “fad diet” sense. I mean what it is that you eat now, and what it is that you will eat for the rest of your life. The plain truth is you need a healthy eating program that you can stick with – forever! Now this does not mean giving up cake, cookies, chips, fries shakes, etc for the rest of your life, but it does mean that you will be cutting way back on them and when you do have some of these foods, that you make up for it with a bit more exercise or less food the next day.
  2. Exercise – First let me say how much I cringe every time I hear some expert on TV tell us that we need to have 90 minutes of exercise every day to do us any good. That is just false and I sincerely believe that people hear this and think – what is the point. The fact is 20 minutes of exercise three times a week is better than no exercise at all. Now that certainly is not optimal, but I understand that many of you have busy lives, kids, two jobs, etc and you just don’t have 90 minutes a day to devote to an exercise regimen.

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Some simple changes that will have a big impact on your weight
  1. Cut out Sugared Drinks – Seriously, just eliminate soda, athletic drinks, sugared waters, etc. Replace them with water (that is best) and diet soda.
  2. Limit the Amount of Fruit Juice You Drink – At least there is nutrition, and start cutting it with water. After a week you won’t know the difference and you will find that full strength juices are too sweet. Really.
  3. Cut out potato chips and french fries – Sure at a party, have a couple, but don’t buy them just to have around the house anymore and don’t get fries when you eat fast food.
  4. Don’t Supersize – Yea its a deal, but its a deal that will kill you. And try to choose the grilled chicken with no mayo instead of the burger. I ask for one of their barbecue sauce packets used for the chicken nuggets – saves a lot of bad fats.
  5. Don’t buy ice cream, cakes, cookies just to have around the house – these are treats, and when you don’t always have them at home, you won’t miss them. Then when you get them its a treat, not a normal part of your everyday meals.
  6. Switch from white break/pasta to whole grain break and pasta – First its actually more flavorful and delicious, second its way better for you.
  7. Sensible Portions – Start learning a few things about calories and get your calorie intake to a healthy level.
  8. Walk on a Routine – Pick a time of day and days of the week and go for a brisk walk. Drive the route you are going and try to build up to 3 miles. When you feel like it, switch from a walk to a run.
  9. Lift Some Weights – I don’t mean Mr Universe – just get some dumbells and do some basic weight lifting.
Follow the above and I am sure you will get results.


Posted on Friday, May 28th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Save Money by Loosing Weight

No, I’m not writing about the latest get rich quick scheme; I’m writing about how being overweight costs you a lot of money and loosing weight will save you money.

Obesity causes or worsens a myriad of health conditions – diabetes, stroke, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, cancer, sleep apnea, gout, bone spurs, and I could go on and on. When you add it up, obesity is probably the biggest reason health insurance costs go up so much every year.

If you maintain a healthy body weight and get a reasonable amount of exercise you will improve your health and you will reduce the amount of money you spend on health care. Think of all the copays, prescription costs, emergency room visits, etc you will be avoiding. And while the insurance company will bear most of the burden, you will face out of pocket expenses as well.

Then you can look at your earnings and how much less you earn because of obesity. The average obese person earns about $7,000 less a year than the comparable person with a healthy weight. Over a lifetime, that is a lot of money and this article gives a nice summary of the personal financial costs associated with obesity.

Finally, obesity shaves 10 years off of your life on average. 10 years less with your family and your friends.

That’s a lot of good reasons to finally do something about it and loose weight.

Posted on Thursday, May 27th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Your Health Affects Your Health Insurance Quotes

Mom with sick child
If you opt to not have a plan because of high insurance rates, do not wait until your health is a problem to start looking. If your health plan has been to not visit the doctor and not take medications, you may be quite surprised when you finally have a reason to check health insurance quotes. Health insurance companies view sick people as a risk, so they charge you more because they are more likely to pay more in actual claims than they receive in premiums. Depending on your condition and the carrier, you may not even be able to get coverage or could have your coverage taken away after you approved because of some technicality. The LA Times reported on how several insurers rescinded policies for many people who were sick due to technicalities in their applications.

Even though health insurance rates are high, hospital bills, surgeons, medications, and post procedure care can be exorbitant. What could have been manageable with a monthly payment for a health insurance plan now threatens the ability for you and your family to enjoy a healthy and happy life. In the end, it pays to have health insurance. Your health insurance rates will also impacted by your age, your past health record, and the part of the United States that you live in.

Posted on Wednesday, May 19th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

You’re Sick and Got Excluded When You Went for Health Insurance.

Tell your health insurance agent right off the bat if you have any health conditions for which you are receiving treatment. No sense hiding that information, because it comes out later anyway. There is a chance that you will be excluded/declined for health insurance at one of two companies, but that’s life. It doesn’t mean you can’t get health insurance ever.

In the long run you will need to go with a carrier who will cover you, pre-existing condition and all. And yes, there are carriers who will take you on even with pre-existing conditions. It just takes some time and patience on your part to find one.

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

What to Do If You Have No Health Insurance

Millions of Americans do not have health insurance because of the cost, the coverage or they don’t think they have an actual need for it. While it’s certainly a personal choice, one thing should always be kept in the back of your mind. At some point, everyone will need medical assistance; that’s just how life happens to be.

Get educated about the various plans on the market. While they may appear to be confusing, talking to a health insurance broker will take care of that for you. After all, it might be as easy as finding out what the differences are between a Health Savings Account, a Co-Pay or Major Medical Insurance.

For example, one of the most reasonable plans is the Co-Pay plan. It co-pays expenses for doctors, medication and prevention. Instead of paying the full bill for a visit to the physician, you only pay a portion of the fee and most people find that to be affordable.

Posted on Wednesday, February 24th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Do You Need Health Insurance or Not?

n most instances, people honestly DO need health insurance. While they may think they are immune to life’s ups and downs, the first time they have a broken bone and get an enormous bill for the medical care, they’ll realize health insurance is crucial. Sure, having health insurance is a personal decision, but not having it may result in a catastrophic mess.

If you have a heart attack and you have no health insurance, the costs will wipe you out. Bad things do happen and your health can change in the blink of an eye. Do you want to put your family in a major bind paying your health expenses?

Now is the time make a call to your local health insurance agent and find out what plans they have that fit your budget. It may literally save your financial life not to mention your health.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Is a Health Savings Account for You?

There’s always been a debate about Health Savings Accounts and they may not be the right thing for some people. They got a lot of press attention, but still, many people don’t truly understand what they will do for them. Ideally, if you don’t understand what the benefits of an HSA are, call your local health insurance broker for information.

An HSA is a savings account, and if you don’t think you’d be opening one, then this may not be the way to save for your medical expenses. You also have to have the “save money” mindset to make this work. So, if you spend what you get when you get it, a health savings account might not suit your lifestyle. But, it does have some terrific advantages that you could at least check out.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Sunday, February 14th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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