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Repeal and replace the ACA?

The incoming administration is determined to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It is difficult to know yet, what is to replace it and how the new system will work. Some provisions from the ACA may be kept in place like keeping kids on a parent’s health plan until they are 26 years-old and not denying people health insurance if they have pre-existing conditions. But the question remains how is the Trump administration going to accomplish this?

Because there is no established system that keeps track of who signed up for insurance and who did not. The question is how to determine who did get insurance, who did not, who was possibly forced into buying it and who still does not have insurance.

Some pundits claim that the ACA gave coverage to 20 million Americans who had never had insurance before. Others say, that it was 14 million counting those who were insured but lost their insurance and had to buy new plans under the ACA. Many people feel cheated and overcharged with their health insurance plans under the ACA.

What is next? Some Americans hope that the Trump administration will repeal the and replace the current healthcare system with something that will lower insurance costs, lower premiums and open the market up with more insurance choices.