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Illinois medicareCollectively, older residents of Illinois have saved $272 million on their drug prescriptions under the Affordable Care Act. In 2012, statistics representing at least 133,889 seniors show that Medicare beneficiaries may have saved, on average, $716 per person. In spite of the hotly-debated “donut hole” in coverage, even those who ended up in the “hole” saw a 50 percent discount on brand name drugs under their plans and up to a 14 percent discount on generic drugs. It is possible that drug coverage for generic and brand name drugs may rise over time until the “hole” is closed. This determination may depend on the way calculations are done at the governmental level.

There are a number of Medicare/Medigap packages available to those over 65 years of age and those with disabilities, offering drug coverage that may suit a participant’s particular circumstances. The Affordable Care Act has been greeted with mixed reactions. However, the new law does seem to have benefits for those on Medicare, saving approximately 6.6 million recipients at least $7 billion since the law went into effect. The health care law will prolong the life expectancy of the Medicare Trust Fund (MTF) by at least a decade.

In Illinois, 1,271,704 seniors with original Medicare plans took advantage of one or more free preventive health services in 2012. At least 34.1 million benefited from Medicare’s no-cost-sharing coverage of those preventive services. With the increasing number of Illinois Medicare recipients, Medicare is facing increasing expenses, new technology, fraud schemes against seniors and penalties for those found to be cheating the system. The MTF has worked diligently to return fraud dollars back to the state of Illinois and to reveal cons aims to take advantage of older Americans.

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