Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Be Honest About Your Medical Conditions

While it’s possible to find health insurance agents that give you a quote that fits your budget, you have to ask yourself if the policy suits you. And, you have to be honest right up front when it comes to discussing any pre-existing health conditions you may have. After all, if you aren’t honest about them up front, you will get caught later when you make a claim.

Why run the risk of having your health insurance policy cancelled just because you were too embarrassed to mention your human papilloma virus, your incontinence or your erectile dysfunction – well, you get the picture. And it’s a “for sure” the insurance company will “know” about these things because most of them require certain types of drugs to deal with those conditions. Better to be honest now than sorry later.

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Friday, March 5th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

You’re Sick and Got Excluded When You Went for Health Insurance.

Tell your health insurance agent right off the bat if you have any health conditions for which you are receiving treatment. No sense hiding that information, because it comes out later anyway. There is a chance that you will be excluded/declined for health insurance at one of two companies, but that’s life. It doesn’t mean you can’t get health insurance ever.

In the long run you will need to go with a carrier who will cover you, pre-existing condition and all. And yes, there are carriers who will take you on even with pre-existing conditions. It just takes some time and patience on your part to find one.

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Care Reform May or May Not Be Here To Stay

The debate over health care reform is not as volatile as it once was. Now, with the change in the makeup up the House, things might be different. The thing to consider is this: if the House is not able to deal with the energy crisis, the economic crisis, the comprehensive immigration crisis (and the list goes on), how will they deal with health care reform?

A House with a completely different composition passed health care reform. This is politics we are talking about, and in politics, whichever way the wind blows is how the House and Senate vote. This does not bode well for the future of health care reform. Some may say “yay!” and others may have regrets for the possible demise of a promising step forward in American health care.

How do you feel about it?

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, February 25th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

What to Do If You Have No Health Insurance

Millions of Americans do not have health insurance because of the cost, the coverage or they don’t think they have an actual need for it. While it’s certainly a personal choice, one thing should always be kept in the back of your mind. At some point, everyone will need medical assistance; that’s just how life happens to be.

Get educated about the various plans on the market. While they may appear to be confusing, talking to a health insurance broker will take care of that for you. After all, it might be as easy as finding out what the differences are between a Health Savings Account, a Co-Pay or Major Medical Insurance.

For example, one of the most reasonable plans is the Co-Pay plan. It co-pays expenses for doctors, medication and prevention. Instead of paying the full bill for a visit to the physician, you only pay a portion of the fee and most people find that to be affordable.

Posted on Wednesday, February 24th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Insurance Needs Are Different for Everyone

It’s not unusual to find out that people generally have no clue what they want when it comes to health insurance. This explains why a large portion of the American population isn’t insured. There are just so many options, exclusions, major this, co-pay that, high deductible plans, savings plans and, and, the list goes on. People throw up their hands in confusion and just walk away. Check in with an expert health insurance broker and get information you can use right away, minus the jargon.

Contact someone in-the-know to explain the various things that may apply to your situation. Talking to a local health insurance agent saves you time and money. They can steer you in the direction of a plan that matches your budget.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Monday, February 22nd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Online Health Insurance Plans Sounds Great, but You Can’t Get Them

You found a great health insurance plan online and that is the one you want. You’ve decided it sounds just like what you need and it’s a good price. You call the health insurance agent and find out that you can’t get that plan despite the fact that it’s on their website. What the heck is up with that?

The fact is that you likely don’t qualify for “that” plan because you have pre-existing conditions and the plan you read about is for someone who is a lot younger and in prime physical health. Real reality and virtual reality are two different things. The fact is your circumstances may not match the “ideal” qualifications of that plan on the site. Always call a health insurance broker for free advice and talk about what would suit you. It’s time well spent.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Saturday, February 20th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Everything Online Is Not Gospel When It Comes to Health Insurance

Take everything you read online on a health insurance website with a grain of salt. Oh, not because it may be wrong, but because it might not apply to you. It might not apply to you because more of the quotes cited online refer to a preferred rate; to someone who is in optimal health and usually younger. This is one of the major reasons you need to speak directly to the health insurance broker to find out what you need to know about how the rates apply to “you.”

Sure, ask about the rates you saw on the website. The bottom line is that companies can only put just so much information on their site. There’s just way too much of it for anyone to be able to read and absorb, particularly if they are not health insurance savvy. Many of the plans on the site have different interpretations. So call your health insurance agent for a chat.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Thursday, February 18th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance that Works

Everyone wants health insurance that works for them, gives them the coverage they need, and offers reasonable premiums. This isn’t something you can just go out shopping for and find within half an hour. You will need to speak to an expert insurance broker. They know all the insider knowledge you won’t find on websites and they can tell you right away the differences between a co-pay plan and a Health Savings Account. There are other options and they have the expertise to help you through all the questions you have and get what you want and need.

Just because something is on a website, don’t assume that what you get is exactly what is written on the site’s description. Why? Because everyone who needs health insurance needs something different and no two people will have the same thing. Every provision or condition may be interpreted differently by different companies. Don’t assume something is the case; ask to be sure.

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Monday, February 15th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Is a Health Savings Account for You?

There’s always been a debate about Health Savings Accounts and they may not be the right thing for some people. They got a lot of press attention, but still, many people don’t truly understand what they will do for them. Ideally, if you don’t understand what the benefits of an HSA are, call your local health insurance broker for information.

An HSA is a savings account, and if you don’t think you’d be opening one, then this may not be the way to save for your medical expenses. You also have to have the “save money” mindset to make this work. So, if you spend what you get when you get it, a health savings account might not suit your lifestyle. But, it does have some terrific advantages that you could at least check out.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Sunday, February 14th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

The Real Cost of Health Insurance in the US.

If you’re online searching for health insurance quotes, you’re here for a reason. Do you know what you need in terms of affordable health insurance?

While you might be online surfing the Internet because you are interested in making changes to your health insurance, you may also be online because you want some health insurance quotes that make sense to you. Until now, you may not have had any health insurance plan to fall back on. In fact, you might not have even thought that there is actually such a thing as affordable health insurance. Well, the good news is there is such a thing as affordable health insurance.

Let’s start at the beginning. You want to know what health insurance quotes that you can afford. Start by figuring out how much a month you can pay in premiums. Affordable health insurance is all about health insurance that you can manage monthly; it’s just that simple. While you may be thinking that even if you do get affordable health insurance quotes that you can’t really manage a premium and, what the heck, nothing bad will happen, so you will just take a pass on buying any health insurance plans.

Whammo! Guess what happens? You guessed it. You or someone else in your family got hurt and needed to go to a hospital for treatment. Let’s say you broke your arm after falling down the stairs. The break was so bad that a specialist needed to set it and cast it to make sure it healed properly. At this point you had a talk with the doctor and told them you don’t have any health insurance plans and that you really needed a price break. The doctor agreed he could do that.

The bill arrived about three weeks later and it came to $5,000. On the surface this may have made sense given the fact that the break was pretty severe and a specialist was called in. On second glance at the bill you discover that the cost of two aspirins was $220.00. Two aspirins, something you could have dispensed at home, were chocked up at $110 for each one. Talk about the height of ridiculous. That bill was going to take a long time to pay off.

What’s the lesson to be learned here? The lesson here is that the cost of affordable health insurance may be measured according to how many aspirins it works out to be. That should put the whole thing into perspective. It’s just a fact of life that at some point, you and/or anyone else in your family may need a doctor and medical services. Better to have health insurance plans for all the members of your family than wind up taking who knows how many years to pay off a large hospital bill that could have been paid through health insurance.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Saturday, February 13th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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