Imagine that – tax free benefits come with HSAs. Yes, we said tax FREE. Something free these days is rare. Mind you if you aren’t ready or willing to only open an account and make deposits, it won’t work for you. What are the tax free benefits? Well for one thing, the person(s) opening the account can put money in it and they don’t need itemized deductions; an employer can make tax-free contributions to employees; and employers that have cafeteria plans may let workers contribute untaxed salary by paying a lower salary.
However, just because there are some significant tax free benefits with HSAs doesn’t meant you should just rush right out and get one. Take the time to check them out first before you decide if you want one. No sense getting one if it won’t do you any good.
To learn more, visit
It’s not too often that we get something for free these days, except maybe a lot of bills in the mail. So, when you get the chance to get free advice, then it’s worth its weight in gold. Like for instance, what if you got free advice about what kind of health insurance would work for you and also were told how to do that inexpensively? What if the health insurance broker spent over an hour telling you about various options and then said, it’s totally up to you if you want to buy a policy or not from us? Now that would be well-worth checking out. You can do this and more by calling your local health insurance agent.
Just let the agent know what you need, no holds barred, include all your medical conditions and let them help you. They know what they’re doing and they will unerringly guide you to the right plan for the right price. Even though you read something online about a low, low price, it may not apply to you if you have pre-existing conditions.
To learn more, visit
Yes, you can get an HSA if you are over 55. The only thing you will need to know right up front is that if you do choose to go this route, you will need to catch up payments in order to be in a beneficial position. If you’re older, you might be able to swing that, as many older Americans do tend to have assets by that age. Although with the recession, this isn’t as frequent as it used to be.
You don’t have to go with an HSA if you don’t feel it’s the right thing for you. You could go with Major Medical instead or even with a Co-pay plan. Your life is unique and you will want what works the best for you, so make it a point to talk to an expert health insurance broker who can assess which plan(s) will work for you.
If you have ever wanted a partner to look out for you through thick and thin, pay your bills for you, make sure you stay well and get what you need when it comes to medical care, then you have found that partner in an affordable health insurance plan. Think about that for a minute. Without this partner, albeit a silent one, you would have no one caring for you when you needed medical help.
Without this partner you would be stuck for huge medical bills for care you may need, either short or long term. Do not think that you can make it through life without a partner that cares for you when the chips are down. Find a way to make health insurance a part of your life.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit