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Further Thoughts On Health Care Reform

Some say one way to improve the cost of health care is to import prescription drugs. Well, it’s an idea, but Big Pharma would not go along with it. Of course, Americans are free to order online drugs from anywhere they want, including Canada, but use caution as you really have no guarantee that what you see online is indeed what you get in the mail.

What about mandated use of generic drugs? Much like mandated health care in 2014, should it actually come to pass, mandated use of generic drugs may well save the country billions. Of course the problem with that is the resistance the drug makers would put up about losing money.

Odd isn’t it that drug companies, who are supposed to exist to help make people better, actually create drugs that kill people and charge them astronomical amounts for the privilege. Even odder is the fact that at any time drug makers could make generic drugs of their own and sell them, making a nice chunk of change, but they choose not to because they prefer gouging patients for the big name drugs at three or more times the price of a generic drug.

It is time for consumers to do something about that and make a move to take more generic drugs instead.

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Posted on Wednesday, November 9th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.
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