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Life Stage Health Insurance Plans

Life Stage Health Insurance Plans
Categories: Health Insurance Posted by jferris on 7/17/2011 2:50 PM | Comments (0)

It only makes good common sense to figure that if you are 20-something, your insurance needs are going to be far different than if you are 50-something. Well, pick any two ages that are diverse enough and you will get the idea.

But still, what do you need and how do you know what you need? Tough questions, and ones that you really should get answered by insurance agents who know what they are talking about. It is fine to go online and search for answers to your questions, but you have to realize that you won’t find all the answers. It is totally impossible to put everything you need to know online.

Pick up the phone and make a call to a local agent and start asking questions. If you want to start with what you found on the website, go ahead, but remember that what you see on websites is the preferred rate for the “perfect” insured. There are not too many perfect insured’s out there.

You will need different things at 20-something – like protection for a broken leg. At 50-something you may be shopping for high blood pressure meds. Ask the agent, and don’t guess, or you will wind up getting something that will not work for you.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Sunday, July 17th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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