Health Insurancee

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Health Insurance Really Is Necessary

There are millions of Americans who think they do not need health insurance because they are younger, healthy, fit and active. So, what happens if they get into an accident and land in the hospital? Who is going to pay the bills? Take the case of a young Chinese-American woman who broke her leg biking. She had no health insurance, because she did not think she needed it. Turns out she did.

When she got the bill for her broken leg, which was close to $40,000, she realized that if she could have presented health insurance to the hospital her bill would not be so high. Lesson learned. She made it a point to buy affordable health insurance, just in case.
Yes, affordable health insurance deals are real; you just need to spend some time looking for the deals.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, February 4th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.
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