Health Insurancee

From top carriers

A New Way of Dispensing Medications by Computer Network

E-prescribing may be the safest and best way to prescribe medications in the future, and it’s just beginning to make inroads in the medical system.

Statistically speaking, most people, at some point in their life, will be the victim of at least one medication error per day if they are in the hospital. Medication errors also occur in other health care settings like doctor’s offices, ER settings, at pharmacies and in long-term care.

Believe it or not, every year there are close to 1.5 million preventable injuries that would have been avoided by taking more care. E-prescribing may reduce the number of medication errors.

Posted on Friday, September 27th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Means Being Well

If you don’t have health insurance and you need medical care, who is going to pay the bill? It is a tough question that many Americans are asking themselves these days. With health insurance in play, it means being well, because there is access to preventive care from your primary health care provider. If you don’t have health insurance and need care, you will have to go to an ER for help. The cost of an ER visit is over $1,000.

Do you have that kind of money to pay for services? Most patients don’t. On the other hand, if they had a health insurance plan in place, they would not be paying the full freight for the invoice. Food for thought. Do you want to be well or be bankrupt paying your medical bills?

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

How Much Do Medical Procedures Cost?

If you’re like most of us, you often wonder how much your doctor makes when they see you. Or you wonder what that operation you just had was billed out at. You’ll know how much when you get the bill later, but we mean, what is the real cost of health care, not the inflated cost the system is gouging people to pay. If you knew just what something cost, it would be a major, shocking revelation. If you don’t think the prices are inflated and over-the-top in some instances, think again.

If you knew just how much it really cost to see a doctor, go to the ER or urgent care, fix a broken ankle, battle pneumonia or hand out antibiotics for a strep throat, you would be thinking twice about using any doctor’s office, ER or urgent care facility as your one stop medical shop for colds, coughs and bouts of flu. You would not run for care for a cut, bumps or bruises or stop by to ask for the latest medication out on the market that you heard about. Use the system wisely, or it will use you.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, April 16th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Really is Affordable

The last thing you might want to be thinking about is health insurance. After all, you already have enough bills to pay right? While that may be true, if you do not have health insurance in place and you do something like break an ankle or wrist, do you have the close to $20,000 it will take to get it treated? Do you have the money on hand to pay the ER bill when it arrives?

Most Americans would answer no, as who has extra cash on hand these days? Most of the money they make goes to food and housing. If you do not have health insurance to defray medical expenses when you need it, you will not be able to take care of a mortgage and other big bills. This is not to scare you. This is the reality of living in a bad economy in the 21st century. You need health insurance or you could face bankruptcy.


To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Tuesday, October 25th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Bring Down Medication Costs

You have heard about the price of health care these days. It is almost obscene. The U.S. health system is so overused and abused it is in serious need of a major revamping. What’s going on? Too many people are using the system for things they don’t need – for instance, going to the ER for a cold.

If you personally started to get a grip on controlling your health care habits, you could make a difference in your expenses. It is just than simple. You might even save money. Hard to believe, but true.

Save money on medications by shopping online through mail order pharmacies. These online pharmacies could be in Canada or the U.S. However, Canadian online pharmacies tend to be less expensive. Look at it this way; wouldn’t you rather pay about $10 for a month’s supply of medications as opposed to $100?

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 4th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

For People Who Need Health Insurance

Needing health insurance should be a given, but in today’s economy, it usually isn’t. In fact, most people try to save money by not paying for health insurance. The mistaken assumption is that if they don’t pay premiums, then they can save money. If your luck holds for several years, you don’t get sick, don’t break a bone and don’t get into an accident, then you may be able to save some money. But, the first time you need medical care will be when you find out that what you “saved” now has to go to pay your medical bills.

Yes, the economy is rough, but it would be even rougher if you needed medical care and could not pay for it because you didn’t have a health insurance plan in place. If you skip not having a primary health provider and have to hit an ER for help, your bill will be catastrophic. Where is the savings in that? Find affordable health insurance quotes online.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, October 13th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Is Price Everything When Comparing Health Insurance Quotes…?


The easy answer for most people is yes. But just like everything else, you get what you pay for and their are no “deals” to be had.

The biggest thing to watch out for are insurance policies that offer copays for doctors office visits and prescriptions that have a low price.


Office visits are cheap (relatively speaking) usually costing somewhere between $50 and $80 a visit – a practice in Southern California even made their medical costs easily available.

A broken leg can cost you $10,000 – $20,000 including the hospital visit, ER physician costs, follow-up visits, X-ray/MRI’s etc.

So an inexpensive plan with copays usually has very high cost sharing for hospitalizations, surgeries, etc. Some even have limits on the total amount they will cover for every time you visit the hospital or have a medical event.

Do you really want a health plan that gives you a $35 copay for an office visit but ends up costing you $10,000 when you have a real medical emergency?

This is all another good reason to use an agent.

Agents do not cost you a penny. That’s right – the premium you get from an agent will be the same as if you went to the health insurance company directly.

They represent lots of carriers.

And a good experienced agent knows the pitfalls of the plans and can help you make an informed decision on which medical insurance quote to buy.

Happy Hunting!

Posted on Friday, May 14th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.
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