Workers at smaller companies are often offered group health insurance as a benefit. In fact, many potential employees consider it a major factor when making their employment decisions.
Group health insurance is frequently less expensive than far more limited personal insurance policies.
Individual insurance is often very expensive. Even if a person opts to buy personal coverage through a health exchange, he or she will likely pay more than a person participating in a company group policy.
Group health premiums are lower. Workers may not be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions, a major benefit for many Americans. Additionally, most group health plans let workers extend their coverage to their families and/or dependents.
Whether the group health plan offers HMOs or PPOs (the two major types of plans), there is usually something for everyone.
If you have the chance to get group health insurance for a lower cost than your personal policy, you and your family will benefit.
If you run a small business, you may wish to offer your employees group health insurance. It’s an excellent, attractive offering that has short- and long-term benefits for your workers. Group insurance allows employees to get medical, dental and perhaps vision insurance for a lower cost than they would find individually. With group insurance offerings, your company can better compete to hire the best potential employees.
There are two types of small group insurance: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO). With PPO insurance, those enrolled pay a deductible but may see any doctor they wish within in a specific network. Participants do not need referrals for diagnostic appointments or to see specialists. If they see a medical professional out of their specified network, they pay higher fees and make a claim for the difference later. HMOs restrict whom a patient may see and what services they may get. Any treatment must be provided by a medical profession within the network. The primary doctor manages the patient and makes referrals when needed.
Before choosing a plan, find out as much as you can about each. Decide what suits your business environment and workers best.
Getting a great plan is not hard if you do your searching for health insurance in Texas by visiting the right website and work with a good insurance agent.
From Houston to El Paso, Benepath has been working with local insurance agents throughout the state to provide a variety of quotes and quality coverage to consumers. Agents who work with Benepath represent all of the major insurance carriers including Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Humana, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, CIGNA and the local HMO’s as well.
Texas small businesseses have been getting help at since 2006 as well. Many of these agents offer group health insurance as well as ancillary benefits like group dental, life and disability insurance. Many of these agents also provide retirement plans like 401(k)’s and Simple IRA’s.
Good luck in your search!
by Clelland Green
The economy is beginning to look up and unemployment rate is declining. Did you or your friend just get hired by a Small Business? Are you worried about your Health Insurance?
As an employer; how do you decide on what benefits you can offer to your employees? Do you look at what your competitors are offerring? To learn more about what other companies in your industry and your region are offerring their employees, you may want to consider the Employee Benefits Benchmarking Report Benepath has compiled using data from more than 27,000 small businesses. To get competitive rates for Group Health Insurance Quotes, please visit
To learn more about how the health reform will affect Group Health Insurance Quotes, click here to read an article on the Washington Post.
Pricing health insurance may well give you a headache, because it seems like every site you visit is quoting different figures. In fact, you may even find the same health insurance policy on several sites and discover wildly different costs.
The reason for that is health insurance companies set their own rates or, you could look at it another way, and that is that they charge what they think the market will bear. So, shop around and you may be pleased to discover you can so get a good deal on health insurance. Just because one site has a higher price for a policy does not mean that policy is any better than a policy on a site with a lower cost. It only means the first company thinks they can charge more. Evidently, they can too, as people are obviously paying those prices. Be smart and shop around. It could save you bucks.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
No matter how many times people think this, they often do the opposite. What is it? They think about calling a local insurance agent at a smaller company, but instead, call a big name insurance company because they think they will get better service and pricing. This is not always the case. In fact, the bigger the company, the less engaged they are with their customers in not only the same state, but in another state too.
If you ever want to try and settle the insurance claim, try dealing with an out-of-state insurance company who does not know you and could really care less about you, unless you don’t pay your premiums. Local is the way to go.
Agents know their regional areas and who is the best person to see for various things. They also know who pays claims and who doesn’t and which hospital is better and closer to you. If you live in Pennsylvania, and buy insurance out of a company in Florida, they have no clue where your nearest hospital is.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
As the economic conditions continue to be uncertain, it is not surprising that employee loyalty over the last 3 years has decreased. So business owners are searching for different ways to not only keep the employees they have from moving on, but search for new talent to join their company.
A good starting point for business owners is to take a look at their health insurance offering. If their current offering is no longer competitive compared to similar companies, they run the risk of losing employees during this time of dwindling employee loyalty.
Make sure you dont lose your most valuable resource because your employee benefits package is outdated. It’s the perfect way to improve your employees’ financial health without handing out raises.
Get connected with a local agent and get your group health insurance quotes at
Whether its Anthem Blue Cross, United Healthcare, Aetna, Humana or any other carrier getting group health insurance quotes in Lexington Kentucky couldn’t be easier with Benepath’s online system.
This is a really interesting question. Do you think health care reform will still be with us in 2014? Judging by what is and is not going on in Congress these days, the answer to that is maybe. It cannot be otherwise when politics in involved in something so major that it directly affects every American’s access to health care.
Then, do not forget about the lawsuit that several states filed saying that mandating that people buy health insurance is unconstitutional. That case is still rattling about the court room. What will the decision be? Who knows, but whatever it is, it will have an impact on health care reform in many different ways.
Will we get to the point where we have to buy health care insurance or else? If we do, how will those who live under a bridge or in shanty towns pay for it? How will low income families pay for it? Ultimately, how will all of this affect the American taxpayer? Food for thought, indeed.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
If you do not have two clues what your health insurance policy says, join a crowd of millions who figure they can find that out later when they need to know or when they need to use their policy. The problem with that is if they wait until the need to use the health insurance and THEN find out what they thought was covered, is not, it’s not a good day for anyone.
This cannot be emphasized enough. Read the four corners of your health insurance policy simply because if you know what is and what is not covered, you will not get any surprises later and wonder why something is NOT covered. Why wait until you get a claim denied to find out that what you thought “was” covered isn’t in your health insurance policy?
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit