Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Group Insurance Is a Smart Move in Today’s Marketplace

Contrary to popular opinion in a volatile market, it is almost always a smart business move to offer some form of group insurance to workers. The benefit markedly boosts employee loyalty, aside from the fact that coverage maintains the health of those that work for you. Group insurance is also surprisingly affordable. When you buy a plan for a large group, premiums fall; the economics of scale kick in when there are bigger numbers involved. And smaller groups than you may think are considered “big” in the insurance realm.

Additionally, you can form a group of small business owners and leverage the numbers to get reasonably priced group insurance. It’s worth the effort to reduce the premiums for personal insurance. There are many ways to form the group you want to get the kind of insurance you need — not just for your workers, but for yourself as well.

To learn more about the benefits of offering group health insurance and get your free quote, visit today!

Posted on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014. Filed under Group Insurance.

Group Insurance

If you run a small business, you may wish to offer your employees group health insurance. It’s an excellent, attractive offering that has short- and long-term benefits for your workers. Group insurance allows employees to get medical, dental and perhaps vision insurance for a lower cost than they would find individually. With group insurance offerings, your company can better compete to hire the best potential employees.

There are two types of small group insurance: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO). With PPO insurance, those enrolled pay a deductible but may see any doctor they wish within in a specific network. Participants do not need referrals for diagnostic appointments or to see specialists. If they see a medical professional out of their specified network, they pay higher fees and make a claim for the difference later. HMOs restrict whom a patient may see and what services they may get. Any treatment must be provided by a medical profession within the network. The primary doctor manages the patient and makes referrals when needed.

Before choosing a plan, find out as much as you can about each. Decide what suits your business environment and workers best.

Posted on Thursday, January 30th, 2014. Filed under Group Insurance.

Group insurance can be one of the most cost effective choices to get reasonable health coverage

While many companies are either eliminating or downsizing health benefits for their workers, group insurance still remains one of the most cost effective choices to still offer employees health care benefits. Even though the economy appears to be variable on any given day according to what is happening in the White House, businesses need to stay running and offer their workers some form of health insurance.

In the alternative, those same workers could also opt to apply for group insurance on their own, and take advantage of the lower rates and have choices over what they want for coverage. Many company controlled health insurance plans offer coverage for things people may never use, but are still paying for out of their salaries. Groups of like-minded individuals can band together and apply for group insurance the way they want it. It’s certainly better than having no insurance at all.

Posted on Friday, November 29th, 2013. Filed under Group Insurance.

Group Health Insurance Quotes, How Does Health Reform Affect Your Benefits?

The economy is beginning to look up and unemployment rate is declining. Did you or your friend just get hired by a Small Business? Are you worried about your Health Insurance?

As an employer; how do you decide on what benefits you can offer to your employees? Do you look at what your competitors are offerring? To learn more about what other companies in your industry and your region are offerring their employees, you may want to consider the Employee Benefits Benchmarking Report Benepath has compiled using data from more than 27,000 small businesses. To get competitive rates for Group Health Insurance Quotes, please visit

To learn more about how the health reform will affect Group Health Insurance Quotes, click here to read an article on the Washington Post.

Posted on Monday, June 25th, 2012. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

Small Business Health Insurance a Way to Retain Good Employees

As the economic conditions continue to be uncertain, it is not surprising that employee loyalty over the last 3 years has decreased. So business owners are searching for different ways to not only keep the employees they have from moving on, but search for new talent to join their company.

A good starting point for business owners is to take a look at their health insurance offering. If their current offering is no longer competitive compared to similar companies, they run the risk of losing employees during this time of dwindling employee loyalty.

Make sure you dont lose your most valuable resource because your employee benefits package is outdated. It’s the perfect way to improve your employees’ financial health without handing out raises.

Get connected with a local agent and get your group health insurance quotes at

Posted on Friday, November 18th, 2011. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Plans for Small Businesses

Running a small business is a real challenge, particularly in this kind of an economic climate. Well, that’s a bit of a no-brainer isn’t it? Sure it’s tough to run a company in this kind of economic climate, but what is even harder is finding reasonable health insurance for the self-employed.

Well, yes and no. Yes, it’s a bit harder to find, but it “can” be done. All you need to do to get health insurance for small businesses is to form a group of like-minded people – maybe in the same line of work you are in – and apply to a medical insurance company as a group.

Have all your ducks in a row and by the time all the people you need are onboard and really to roll, you will have good news for everyone – they will get to take advantage of lower rates because they now have group insurance. Sometimes the simplest solutions to problems are the right ones for the time and occasion.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, August 30th, 2010. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Quotes Provider Expands in the Face of Recession

One of the nation’s leading online health insurance quotes providers has significantly expanded over the past few months. In spite of the recession, the company decided to make some key strategic moves to take advantage of what they saw as a great opportunity to grow the business.

Seeing their business growing during the recession Clelland Green, Benepath’s CEO, decided to double their quoting capacity for individual and family health insurance plans and enter into the group health insurance quotes business. “We are already seeing a payoff for these investments as the demand for our service from agents around the country has been steadily climbing,” Clelland noted.

Benepath will be offering their group insurance quotes program to agents over the coming weeks and the company reports that they already have several sales and a sizable number of agents who have requested these health insurance leads over the last year. Sales are expected to ramp up quickly as demand for group insurance leads is very strong.

As with other Benepath innovations, their entry into group insurance is not without a distinguishing benefit to businesses and consumers. We are the only group insurance program on the internet which can easily accept and deliver all the information necessary to provide quotes, especially for large companies. This makes it easy for businesses to get competitive insurance bids and for agents to help new customers.

About Benepath: Benepath gives health insurance quotes to consumers across the country and provides exclusive health insurance leads to high quality, local insurance agents. Benepath uses their proprietary technology platform to provide consumers with real-time health quotes from a local agent’s quoting system; branding the agent and providing the consumer with health insurance quotes from both local and national health insurance companies.

Posted on Tuesday, May 19th, 2009. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.
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