So many people feel that they won’t buy health insurance if they have to pay too much for it and that they could save that money for something else. You could save the money, but what happens if you get injured or become ill and need medical care? Where are the savings then? Without insurance, you would be paying for care out of your own pocket and health care costs are outrageous today. But what do you do if you need the care? You bite the bullet, get the care, worry about how to pay the bill and wonder why on earth you didn’t get health insurance, which would have substantially cut the costs of your treatment. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
You can never really pay enough for health insurance. If you don’t have health insurance and wind up in a medical mess and can’t pay the bills, you could lose not only your house, but your business as well. There may be no other way to handle the expense. Medical bankruptcies are at an all-time high. Do you want to be one of them? If the answer is no, get health insurance, because accidents do happen, to everyone.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
If you’re self-employed, your best option for affordable health insurance is to form a group of like-minded business people and apply for group health insurance. It could save you hundreds – if not thousands – of dollars, and end up being a brilliant move. Failing that, you will need individual health insurance that offers you coverage for hospital stays, doctor’s office visits, etc. Just keep in mind that the premiums you pay are directly related to your age and pre-existing health conditions.
Since you can’t lie about your age without offering proof, and the same observation goes for lying about your health conditions, just be upfront about them. The whole truth has a way of coming out later anyway when you try to file a claim that may be denied because the policy was issued on incorrect information. This isn’t a great situation to be in and it could also mean your health insurance is revoked, and that won’t do you any good at all. Tell the truth and things will be fine.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
What on earth do you look for when you get online to find affordable health insurance quotes? Some of the more standard things people search for are prices within a range they have set for premiums according to their budget, what health issues they currently face, whether or not anyone else in the house has major health issues, where they live (rural versus the city), their age and whether they smoke or not. There are more things you could search for, but the list would be too long. Start with the obvious and work from there.
Once the list is as complete as it’s going to get, start surfing online. Just remember, if you are in your twenties or thirties, you will be looking for a different type of policy, with different things in it, as opposed to an older person who may need more services for health issues than you do. Also – keep this one thought in the back of your mind – while you may be healthy right now, this does always stay an immutable thing. Think ahead to what may happen and buy a policy accordingly.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
In one of our last blog entries, we discussed the fact that there are two sides to the argument that health insurance rates are going to go up – those who say no, the competition will drive the rates down versus those who say with a higher medical loss ratio, the rates will go up. Since we don’t have any real way to figuring out what will “really” happen, we’re left trying to monitor online news about what is happening in the health insurance industry. What are some of the major carriers going to do when the medical loss ratio goes up to 80%?
Well lately, it seems there has been more speculation that when the loss ratio goes up, so does the price of the premiums. That actually makes sense because an insurance company is a business, and what business do you know will willingly run at a loss for their customers? If you said no business would do that or they’d go bankrupt, you’d be right. That means if the prices are quite likely to go up with the advent of health care reform, then you might want to think about getting health insurance NOW, and not later.
Your dollars, your health care, your choice – make it one that makes sense financially and health wise.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
Don’t know where to start hunting for affordable health insurance quotes? Get online, and if you don’t know how to use a computer, get a friend who does to give you a hand. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get instant information about health insurance, and we all know deep within our heart of hearts that we “do” need health insurance or we’d go broke in about two seconds flat if we needed medical help.
Make a list of questions you want answers to before you start looking for quotes. When you find a site that you resonate with, then spend some time on it and look around. Ask for quotes, examine what you get sent later and then make it a point to call the agent who sent the health insurance quotes. Although many people don’t like talking to an insurance agent, it’s often the only way you’re going to get answers to some of your questions about “your” health situation.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
No, I’m not writing about the latest get rich quick scheme; I’m writing about how being overweight costs you a lot of money and loosing weight will save you money.
Obesity causes or worsens a myriad of health conditions – diabetes, stroke, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, cancer, sleep apnea, gout, bone spurs, and I could go on and on. When you add it up, obesity is probably the biggest reason health insurance costs go up so much every year.
If you maintain a healthy body weight and get a reasonable amount of exercise you will improve your health and you will reduce the amount of money you spend on health care. Think of all the copays, prescription costs, emergency room visits, etc you will be avoiding. And while the insurance company will bear most of the burden, you will face out of pocket expenses as well.
Then you can look at your earnings and how much less you earn because of obesity. The average obese person earns about $7,000 less a year than the comparable person with a healthy weight. Over a lifetime, that is a lot of money and this article gives a nice summary of the personal financial costs associated with obesity.
Finally, obesity shaves 10 years off of your life on average. 10 years less with your family and your friends.
That’s a lot of good reasons to finally do something about it and loose weight.