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Reading the Fine Print of Your insurance Policy

If you have heard this once, you have heard it more times than you can count — “Read the fine print.” This is actually really good advice because there is things in an insurance policy you need to know and you will not find out about them until you need to use your health insurance and then find out that what you needed to use it for is not covered.

Your health insurance policy tells you a variety of things not the least of which is what it covers, but also, what it does not cover. If you do not read the entire policy, you could be in for a surprise later. However, insurance policies tend to be dense and complex. If you find that you have questions or concerns about your insurance policy, talk to your insurance agent.

Insurance agents are there to answer all of your questions. No one wants to be in a situation where they were sure their health insurance policy covered all they needed and wanted, but because they did not read the entire policy, it turned out to not be the case. To avoid a situation where you are faced with mounting medical bills, discuss your policy with informed insurance agents.

To read more about the benefits of health insurance or to get a free quote, visit EZ.Insure today!

Posted on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019. Filed under Health Insurance.

If you’re a senior in America, make sure you know your health insurance policy details

Predators hoping to fleece seniors are sending them bills for medical services they never received, double-billing them for the same service, or selling them policies that are worthless. Many seniors do not always recall the details of their health insurance. They are only interested in the fact that it works for them.

If some successful scammer comes along and makes a good case for buying another health insurance policy because it is cheaper, they may well get customers signing up. Who doesn’t want to save money these days, whether they are older or not? The problem lies in buying a cheap policy that sounds absolutely perfect. It usually isn’t absolutely perfect. In fact, it may be worthless and when a customer goes to use it, they find out they are not covered and their documents are fake.

Even if it pains you to think about reading insurance jargon, know your health insurance policy and what it does and dies not offer. If you know what you have and how much you pay, you cannot be scammed into taking something that only sounds good thanks to empty promises.

Posted on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

It does make a difference where you buy your health insurance

A health insurance policy is a health insurance policy – period. Right? They’re all the same and it does not matter where you get one. Yes and no. It actually does matter where you buy your health insurance: locally or globally. The difference being that local health insurance would be within the nation/state and globally would be the kind of insurance you need if you travel.

There are, though, some differences in policies from state to state. The backbone of the same policies remain the same, with stated differences. You need to pay attention to what is in your policy and where you buy it before assuming you are covered for everything you want.

Many people don’t understand that if they buy an insurance policy from a nationwide insurer, one of the mega-giants that can afford to sell less expensive polices because of the number they sell, that company has no idea what the local conditions are in your area. If you live in rural New Mexico and the insurer is in Montana, you might as well be on a different planet if you have to file a claim. Try to stay local. The agents can fill you in with all the details that you need to know.

Posted on Tuesday, August 20th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Don’t take the first health insurance quote you get as ironclad and buy that policy

While it may be tempting to take action on the first reasonably-priced health insurance quote you get, do not buy a policy based on price alone.

You know you shop around for home insurance or car insurance. You do that because you know that if you shop around, you can often get a better deal. The same thing may be said about health insurance quotes. Shop around. You will find a good deal.

There is a trick to health insurance shopping, though, and that trick is to not buy the very first policy that is a good price. This is because most people do not take the time to actually read the policy or even understand what is in it. That can later turn out to be a bad decision when they go to use their inexpensive health insurance policy, only to find out it does not cover them for what they assumed it did.

Sometimes those cheap policies do suit your needs. But you need to know that the policy is the right one, before you spend money on something that may not serve your needs in the future. Why not take the time to research what is out there and get to know, in general, what would work for you? You would do that if you wanted to insure your car. Your body is your vehicle, so why not make sure you get a policy that takes care of it when it needs maintenance or a serious overhaul?

Just as it takes you time to compare car or house insurance quotes, it will take time to compare health insurance quotes. This is a good thing, because in the process, you come to understand that what is in the four corners of a health insurance policy is very important to you. You need to rely on that to protect your health. So take the time to compare quotes to make sure you get a policy that does help you later.

Got questions? Don’t we all when it comes to health insurance? Pick up the phone. Call an agent. Ask about everything you need to know and then ask more questions. It’s your health and if you want it insured in a way that makes sense, you have to have enough information to make an informed decision.

Posted on Thursday, August 15th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health insurance quotes are as important as car insurance quotes

Is it odd that health insurance quotes are just as vital as car insurance quotes? Your health is as important as your car.

It makes sense to most Americans that they need to get a car insurance quote, but oddly, they think health insurance quotes are not necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth. Both types of insurance are important, but health insurance will save your life. Think you can’t afford health insurance? The honest truth is you cannot afford to “not” have it. If something happens, like a car accident, and you have no insurance, you are stuck with the bills. Could you pay them? Many people could not.

Some feel there is no such thing as affordable health insurance and that spending time looking for health insurance quotes is useless. This is a misconception, largely because the industry is quite competitive right now and there are good deals to be found online. Why not try it out and see for yourself? Your health and the health of your family are vitally important. Keep yourself, and them, safe by having a bird in hand when the chips are down and you need expensive medical care.

If you get why you need car insurance, you should get why health insurance is just as important. Take a look around and start doing some online health insurance cost comparisons. You will be surprised at what you may find. It takes some patience to search out what you want, but it is out there. In fact, there are so many different policies, you might get confused. Here is a tip to avoid confusion. Write out a list of precisely what you want and need; in detail. The more you already know and have written down about your needs, the easier it is to find an insurance policy to suits those needs.

No one says you have to go it alone and try to find a policy that works. That is what insurance agents are for, and their advice is free. They are not there to shove a policy down your throat, because they know, as well as you do, that you would not renew and would spread the word. Their aim is to help you select what works for your lifestyle, making you a happy and well covered customer.

Additionally, if you know what you want, you do not end up paying for something you do not need and will not use. It’s your health, your life, your choice and your preferences when it comes to choosing a health insurance policy that honestly works for you when you need it.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Affordable health insurance quotes may include the whole family

Families are able to get affordable health insurance quotes online too.
So many of the articles you read give advice on how to search for affordable health insurance quotes online, but what about families needing health insurance? Well, the good news is the process to search for family health insurance quotes is the same as searching for insurance for an individual. The only thing that really differs is that each family member needs to have their own page of notes that outlines what type of care they may need and any pre-existing conditions and so forth.

Another thing that varies a bit, but not substantially is the amount of deductible you may wish to pay. This is something to discuss in detail with an insurance agent, but keep this in mind, make sure you know which health insurance policy will work for your family before making any purchase decisions.

You can find affordable health insurance quotes for families online, but you can also call an agency directly, which is often better if you have a lot of questions. Getting a live response helps you focus your questions and come up with more, as your speak. Online searches are great for price and policy comparisons and to find out who is offering the most competitive pricing. Just remember, if you have a pre-existing condition, such as asthma, you may find quotes higher, no matter where you search. But again, there are ways to reduce your deductible to lower your premiums.

When talking to an agent, or even asking for a quote online, there are certain items of information an insurance company needs to know to provide a valid and relevant quote. For instance, the company needs to know if the applicant smokes, or did smoke and for how long and when they quit, are overweight, are a college student and a medical history. The same information needs to be given to each company you are requesting a quote from.

The nice thing about online searches is that you have various options of how to search. For example, you could search policies by coinsurance, by company, by deductible or by prescription plan. This allows you to customize a plan to suit you and your family. You could even add dental and vision care. In short, there is always a policy that will suit your needs, no matter what they are and how many people are in the family. Nothing is written in stone and everything can be customized to an insured’s needs.

While it might take a bit of time to find what you need, it is out there, if you take the time to search.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Friday, February 15th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance.

Did You Do Your Online Search for Health Insurance Quotes with Your List in Hand?

It isn’t hard to do an online search for health insurance. It’s just frustrating if you do not have a list to work with when you get online. Never surf without a list of what you need to have to be completely covered. List everything you can think of, from what budget amount you want to stick with to what you want to pay for a deductible. Have a list of all the medications you take, write out how often (on average) you see a doctor every year, whether you want to stay with your current doctor or not, and what other items you want to add to your health insurance policy.

It is always smart to be prepared when you ask for instance quotes and it makes the process easier to have what you want spelled out. Use the same information for all the companies you ask for a quote, that way you can compare apples and apples, not apples and oranges. Just chunk the information down into smaller amounts and go from there. When in doubt about something, call the agent directly. That’s what they are there for.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Tuesday, July 24th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance is a Two-Step Process

Having health insurance is a two-step process. First you think about it and decide yeah, you probably should have it, just in case. Second, you go online to find what you need. This is where the rubber hits the road, finding what you want in terms of health insurance. If you’re new to the process, it can be daunting. However, with instant quotes, life is a lot easier.

Have a firm idea in mind of what kind of health insurance you should have to meet your needs. For instance, do you visit the doctor for everything, or a little as possible? Do you want to try every new drug out on the market, or hate taking them unless you have to? Knowing your health care consumption pattern, will help you choose the right health insurance policy.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

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Posted on Sunday, June 3rd, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Health Insurance Pricing Tends To Be Variable, So Do Not Be Surprised

Pricing health insurance may well give you a headache, because it seems like every site you visit is quoting different figures. In fact, you may even find the same health insurance policy on several sites and discover wildly different costs.

The reason for that is health insurance companies set their own rates or, you could look at it another way, and that is that they charge what they think the market will bear. So, shop around and you may be pleased to discover you can so get a good deal on health insurance. Just because one site has a higher price for a policy does not mean that policy is any better than a policy on a site with a lower cost. It only means the first company thinks they can charge more. Evidently, they can too, as people are obviously paying those prices. Be smart and shop around. It could save you bucks.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, April 20th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.

You Have to Read the Fine Print on Your Health Insurance Policy

If you don’t know what’s in your health insurance policy, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have no idea what they buy when it comes to health insurance. The thing is though, if you don’t know what health insurance you have until you need it, and then you find out you don’t have what you thought you did. You’re not going to be a happy camper. Read the fine print.

If you get caught without the kind of health insurance you “thought” you had, guess who pays the medical bill? Right, YOU do. So make it a point to know what you’ve got. If you don’t and get hung out to dry later, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Wednesday, March 14th, 2012. Filed under Health Insurance.
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