Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Health insurance quotes may be affected by where you live

What does where you live have to do with affordable health insurance quotes? While you might not think about this, if you live in a rural area of America, you likely don’t have very good access to hospitals. In fact, you may find the only the one close to you to be inadequate, and another could be too many miles away to be much good. If you have limited access to hospital care, this may affect the pricing on your health insurance policy. Make sure to ask your insurance agent about this.
Ideally, what you want to do is get a health insurance plan that will cover you for any doctor or any hospital. This may be more expensive, which is why you want to have this discussion with an expert health insurance agent.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, September 6th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

The affordable health insurance quotes list made easy

What on earth do you look for when you get online to find affordable health insurance quotes? Some of the more standard things people search for are prices within a range they have set for premiums according to their budget, what health issues they currently face, whether or not anyone else in the house has major health issues, where they live (rural versus the city), their age and whether they smoke or not. There are more things you could search for, but the list would be too long. Start with the obvious and work from there.

Once the list is as complete as it’s going to get, start surfing online. Just remember, if you are in your twenties or thirties, you will be looking for a different type of policy, with different things in it, as opposed to an older person who may need more services for health issues than you do. Also – keep this one thought in the back of your mind – while you may be healthy right now, this does always stay an immutable thing. Think ahead to what may happen and buy a policy accordingly.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, September 3rd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Affordable health insurance is a reality

Ever notice that many people say they can’t find affordable health insurance? It really does exist, but you have to have the patience to search and give it a bit of time. You won’t find what you need overnight. Before you start looking, you have to know what you need. Only then can you start to sort out what health insurance quotes work for you and which ones don’t. Being well-organized is the key.

Start by making a list of what you want and need, what the budget is and who you are buying health insurance for, and add a wish list section for things you don’t need but would be nice to have. Be optimistic, allow for some extra room in your budget and start surfing online for health insurance companies who know their business and can explain things in plain English.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, September 1st, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Plans for Small Businesses

Running a small business is a real challenge, particularly in this kind of an economic climate. Well, that’s a bit of a no-brainer isn’t it? Sure it’s tough to run a company in this kind of economic climate, but what is even harder is finding reasonable health insurance for the self-employed.

Well, yes and no. Yes, it’s a bit harder to find, but it “can” be done. All you need to do to get health insurance for small businesses is to form a group of like-minded people – maybe in the same line of work you are in – and apply to a medical insurance company as a group.

Have all your ducks in a row and by the time all the people you need are onboard and really to roll, you will have good news for everyone – they will get to take advantage of lower rates because they now have group insurance. Sometimes the simplest solutions to problems are the right ones for the time and occasion.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, August 30th, 2010. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Quotes that Cover Autism

Unfortunately, if one of your family members happens to have autism, you can’t get health insurance coverage. At least, you can’t get it right now. That may change if Missouri gets its way and does introduce and get signed a bill that makes it mandatory for health insurance companies to offer cover for autism. It would be an enormous step forward not only for that state, but the number of families that may be able to utilize it for a family member.

Autism is far more common than we realize, but what many people don’t realize, is that most health insurance plans do not provide coverage for this neurological condition. Autism causes sufferers to experience mild to severe problems communicating with others and to struggle with social interaction. The time for intervention is in early childhood and by using a variety of programs that help those with autism to live a near normal life.

Treatment costs for this disorder are enormous and making coverage available for those with autism is exciting news. All eyes should be on Missouri now.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, August 27th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

What Health Insurance Quotes Don’t Tell You

Instant health insurance quotes are terrific. You know within minutes roughly how much you will need to pay for a health insurance policy. This of course is what you need to know if you are trying to work out a health care budget. Just remember though that the quote is just a quote for how much it may cost you for your health insurance premium.

What health insurance quotes don’t tell you is if there are any exclusions in your policy. For instance, will the policy you want to buy handle pre-existing conditions? Will it pay for x-rays? Does each item have a coverage limit? Is there a coverage level for the whole policy and everything in it? These are the things you need to know and this is why you need to ask questions. Knowing the answer to things like that will mean you can make the “right” health insurance choice for you.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, August 25th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Quotes Should Be Analyzed

While it’s nice to have health insurance quotes, they don’t tell you everything you need to know. For instance, they don’t tell you what your policy will cover and what it won’t cover. This is something you really need to know, unless you want to find yourself in a jam one day over coverage you thought you had, but didn’t. Never assume that your policy has something in it and covers you for things unless you check that out yourself, or in the alternative, ask the insurance agent.

Quotes are just that, quotes. They give you a price for a health insurance policy based on the information you provided. If you want to know anything further, you need to do some more homework, ask questions and then figure out if the information you get back makes sense for your situation. You can’t decide what is going to work for you or you and your family if you don’t have enough solid information.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, August 23rd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Really “Is” Affordable

Try not to get sick these days if you don’t have health insurance. Why? Because if you do get sick, sick enough to have to see a doctor, then it is going to cost you money; money you may not have. The thing is that even if you think the illness is minor, what if it is not and you need to spend time in the hospital? Do you hear those cash register bells pealing as the hospital tallies up the bill? Saying that health insurance is not affordable is a bit strange when you think that if you don’t have it, you won’t be able to pay your medical bills.

With health insurance, you would not only be able to handle your medical bills, but they’d be less than dealing with them if you don’t have any insurance. No health insurance can put you in the poor house. So you might want to rethink the position about not having “any” insurance now before it becomes mandatory later for you to have it.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, August 20th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Affordable Health Insurance Quotes – Just Ask for Them

A lot of people complain that they can’t afford health insurance – but – did they think to ask the insurance agent about getting affordable health insurance quotes? In a great number of cases, the person wanting a quote never mentions they are on a budget and if they don’t do that, they get policies with higher price tags shown to them. On the other hand if they had said right up front that they were working with a budget, the insurance agent would have found policies that would fit into their price range.

All it takes is being honest right away and mentioning you don’t have a lot of money, but know you need health care, what can the agent find for you? Ask a ton of questions, tell the agent your concerns, what you need for cover and let them know about any health conditions you have. They aren’t there to judge you or to deny you insurance. There is “always” something out there that will work for YOU – just ASK.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, August 16th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Budget Concerns May Hamper Health Insurance

People may tell you not to worry about the cost of health insurance. They obviously haven’t lived with your budget concerns.

Having or not having health insurance in America these days is a major debate. Those that have it know the benefits it offers.

Those that don’t think it’s a waste of time and money and they don’t need it – that is they don’t need it right now – but later? That may be a whole different can of worms.

The question still remains though, how does one get affordable health insurance in this economy? How does one stay safe and be covered and not be broke? Good questions and the answers are highly individual to each person’s specific situation. Of course, the bottom line is and will always be what dollars are there to go around in the household to pay for everything from soup to nuts and still include health insurance plans? This is even more of an issue when you are considering buying individual insurance and you happen to be self-employed – meaning your income will vary wildly from month to month.

Being self-employed and wanting insurance means finding a way to budget it and doing with less someplace else. Why is this a smart idea even if it hurts? It’s smart because if you are hurt, need medical care and don’t have health insurance, then your business may go under because you need the funds to pay the medical bills. If you work for someone else; well, lucky is the worker who has their health care costs picked up by the company.

Let’s say you want individual health insurance and you work for yourself or for someone else – either way, your premiums will vary depending on what you choose in terms of health insurance plans. Things like co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles are costly, but they are usually the plans with lower premiums.

So there you have it, the health insurance plans with lower initial costs usually have higher premiums, and the health plans that mean you need to use a network (like HMOs) will cost less. What to choose? You choose what your personal preference is, as health insurance coverage is a highly individualized thing.

Can any of these choices be done on a budget? You bet they can, as despite prevailing opinion that no one can afford health insurance, there are affordable health insurance policies out there for everyone. It’s just that some people, no matter how reasonable a health insurance plan is, still won’t buy one for their own reasons. For those individuals, when life happens, they too will see the necessity of needing health insurance.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Saturday, August 14th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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