Health insurance quotes will not change too much due to the recent election, and neither will health insurance rates. In fact, you will likely find them to be very competitive. Why? Because health insurance plans are priced out according to what a private health care insurance company feels their customers will pay. That’s right, what the market will bear at any given time, and so the insurance company will charge accordingly. That’s why shopping around for prices is a smart thing.
There is government regulation in Medicare and Medicaid, however private insurers are able to swing their own deals. And that is why you end up paying (in some cases) more than you should have to pay. Never buy the first insurance policy you see. Make sure to get more than three quotes and spend the time understanding what the policy covers and does not cover. Best to get your insurance now, before 2014.
To read more and get a health insurance quote, visit
You should ask what you would pay because what you see quoted on company websites, might not apply to you or your situation. In addition to that, if you shop around you may find a deal with other companies wanting the business and willing to adjust their premiums.
Remember that health insurance rates are quoted based on your health. If you have a health issue or two, let the insurance agent know. They would find out later anyway. With a pre-existing health condition you may find your category and rate will change. So, ask questions and talk to a local insurance agent to get the “real” scoop about what your health insurance is going to cost you.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
It seems there is never a dull moment when it comes to medical care in the U.S. today. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it, and they do. However, the amount charged for medical care today is outrageously high and never seems to be the same. How is that? It all has to do with the fact that doctors and hospitals can darn well charge whatever they want. Who is going to challenge them? More to the point, really, who can pay those high bills without insurance?
With health insurance, part of a medical bill is covered. Without it, you pay full price, and it might not be the same amount each time you need help. Typically though, you can count on it being higher each time you need care. Where does it stop? Seems like it doesn’t stop, and that is the most frightening thing of all. Who is going to fix this? Right now, who knows?
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
While it’s nice to find a cheap insurance policy, you have to find out what it covers and what it does not cover. Chances are you will find the policy just does not meet your needs, but it is a good price. Warning: do not buy insurance just because it is cheap. If you do, you may find out later, at the most inappropriate time, that it does not cover what you thought it did. Guess who pays the bills then? Right, you do.
Additionally, it may also be the wrong policy for you. This isn’t to say that insurance agents deliberately sell people cheap policies that won’t cover their needs. However, if someone calls and says the policy they want is the least expensive one, and despite what the agent says, they insist on buying it, they are responsible for the consequences later when they find out it doesn’t cover their emergency. Ask the insurance agent what it covers and what it doesn’t cover. Be informed and on top of your coverage and health, because no one else will do it for you.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
In part, health insurance rates respond to the market. Not to necessarily reduce their rates, unless they want to attract customers, but they respond by offering new programs and options for those who need health insurance. Of course, the options come with a price tag, and if you want to get a good deal, you need to shop around for one.
Not many consumers appreciate that health insurance plans are predicated on what a private health insurance company can get from their customers. That’s right, what the market will bear, and so the insurance company will charge accordingly. That is why shopping around for the best price is a smart thing. Remember, insurance companies are in business for the bottom dollar – yours.
While there is government regulation for Medicare and Medicaid, private insurers can name their own prices. And that is why you end up paying (in some cases) more than you should have to pay. Be smart and shop smart.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
Knowledge means knowing things like the local hospitals, who pays claims and who doesn’t, which ones have problems and which ones don’t; stuff that you really need to know before you buy a health insurance policy. Wouldn’t you rather have someone in your area telling you these “need-to-know” things, rather than someone in another state guessing what you may or may not need?
Personal service is hard to come by these days in the online insurance world and when you do find it, it might be just what the doctor ordered. Personal service from a competent health insurance agent is worth its weight in gold and it’s FREE. You could even call it priceless.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
If you have a good idea of what you are looking for, affordable health insurance is fairly easy to find. You just need to know where to look and what you need. The interesting thing is that if you have a job, most of the coverage they offer includes things you will never use. If you don’t use it, you don’t need it. If the plan at work includes coverage for cosmetic surgery and you will never do anything like that, then you don’t need that option – but you are still paying for it.
Don’t want something in your policy? Then look for one that covers just what you need; the basics. This depends on your health history and what you want in the long term. If you don’t need things like home care or skilled nursing, don’t get a policy that provides that kind of coverage. In addition, if you only see a doctor maybe twice a year, don’t take many medications and are relatively healthy, basic coverage will work for you and is less expensive. However, if you and your doctor see each other at least once a week, a basic policy won’t work. You should pay for what you need in terms of health insurance, and it’s as simple as that.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
In one of our last blog entries, we discussed the fact that there are two sides to the argument that health insurance rates are going to go up – those who say no, the competition will drive the rates down versus those who say with a higher medical loss ratio, the rates will go up. Since we don’t have any real way to figuring out what will “really” happen, we’re left trying to monitor online news about what is happening in the health insurance industry. What are some of the major carriers going to do when the medical loss ratio goes up to 80%?
Well lately, it seems there has been more speculation that when the loss ratio goes up, so does the price of the premiums. That actually makes sense because an insurance company is a business, and what business do you know will willingly run at a loss for their customers? If you said no business would do that or they’d go bankrupt, you’d be right. That means if the prices are quite likely to go up with the advent of health care reform, then you might want to think about getting health insurance NOW, and not later.
Your dollars, your health care, your choice – make it one that makes sense financially and health wise.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

If you opt to not have a plan because of high insurance rates, do not wait until your health is a problem to start looking. If your health plan has been to not visit the doctor and not take medications, you may be quite surprised when you finally have a reason to check health insurance quotes. Health insurance companies view sick people as a risk, so they charge you more because they are more likely to pay more in actual claims than they receive in premiums. Depending on your condition and the carrier, you may not even be able to get coverage or could have your coverage taken away after you approved because of some technicality. The LA Times reported on how several insurers rescinded policies for many people who were sick due to technicalities in their applications.
Even though health insurance rates are high, hospital bills, surgeons, medications, and post procedure care can be exorbitant. What could have been manageable with a monthly payment for a health insurance plan now threatens the ability for you and your family to enjoy a healthy and happy life. In the end, it pays to have health insurance. Your health insurance rates will also impacted by your age, your past health record, and the part of the United States that you live in.
The onset of 2009 has seen a tremendous increase in health insurance rates. Small businesses are expecting to pay a 50-60% increase in their plans. To offset this rise in cost and make sure that businesses signed up again, carriers were even encouraging renewals before the end of the policies. This poses a tremendous concern for employees who, at the same time, cannot afford to not have coverage because their employers could not afford to buy the plans.
Companies that no longer offer comprehensive benefits because of the sky rocketing health insurance rates expose their employees, their greatest assets, to unmanageable costs for medical services. Employees with families choose their jobs carefully and plan their careers on being able to provide for their families. They are responsible for the quality of living of their children, and if that means leaving and taking another job that allows them to provide health insurance, rates may become too expensive not to afford.