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The Dilemma of Employee Group Health Care Coverage

Before the end of the year, re-evaluate your health insurance. Not just personally, but if you happen to be an employer and offer group health coverage, it’s time to start checking that the plan still is a good fit for your team.

Near the end of the year it can be time to change what type of health insurance is offered to employees. Typically, workers are advised their particular plan is going up in price due to rising health costs. More affordable options can be offered. What people do not get is that employers are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to providing employee health insurance.

Every year the price of maintaining health insurance goes up. In fact, health expenses take up roughly 25 percent of a company’s operating costs. Workers asking for a raise will not see any difference in their paychecks to cover the increased costs as the increase goes to pay for the higher costs of health care.

It is a vicious cycle, and one that many employers are looking to break by not offering group coverage and moving to offering plans like Health Reimbursement Accounts.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, October 13th, 2011. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.
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