Health Insurancee

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Health Care Reform Penalties Loom in the Future

Fancy the concept of having to buy health insurance and then if you don’t, you get a hefty IRS imposed penalty. Boggles the imagination at times doesn’t it? Also raises the question about people’s human rights and how can the government override them and force them to buy health care insurance? That aside, insurance companies are currently frantically trying to figure out how to price the products they will be offering the millions of uninsured Americans who will flock to the insurance grail for a policy.

While this may generate a fierce round of competition among the insurance companies with regard to prices, chances are just as good that it may go the other way. Meaning that since the insurance companies may lose money on whom they insure, because they can’t turn down anyone, they may hike their rates to cover that possibility. It goes without saying that the next few years will be interesting indeed.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit http://www,

Posted on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.
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