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Age-related hearing loss and how Medigap plans can offer relief

As seniors grow older, some things do not function as well as they once did. Maybe your loved one is not as sharp as they used to be or they may suffer a partial or total hearing loss. In fact, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) one in three people, in the United States, between the ages of 65 and 74 will experience hearing loss.

Age-related hearing loss occurs gradually, most often in both ears. The treatment for hearing loss will depend on the severity of the condition. However, there are several devices that can help seniors hear better. Hearing aids, are electronic devices that can help amplify the sounds entering the ears.

While hearing aids are necessary medical device, they are not cheap. The cost of hearing aids can go up to as much as $2,000 per aid. That adds up to $4,000 for both ears, if that is what is required. In addition, there is also the cost for the hearing exams and batteries. These expenses can add up quickly and Medicare may not cover them all.

However, some Medigap policies include free hearing screenings and discounts from 20 to 40 percent on hearing aids and free batteries for a year. Asking about added benefit, and others like it, can prove helpful when you are looking to buy health insurance.

Although Medicare supplement plans are uniform in what they cover, their pricing does vary from agency to agency and location to location. For help in choosing the appropriate Medigap policy with the best benefits speak to an experienced Medicare insurance agent.

Posted on Monday, September 25th, 2017. Filed under Medicare.

How to save on Medicare supplement plans

When choosing Medicare supplement plans, also known as a Medigap, make sure to compare their costs. All Medigap plans are standardized, they offer the same coverage, but the costs will vary depending on the insurance company offering them.

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance(AAMSI) offers an online database with the contact information for Medigap insurance agents. The database is great tool to assist you in finding knowledgeable agents who will help you compare the costs of Medigap policies. When speaking with an insurance agent find out if they only sell policies form one company or from multiple ones.

When purchasing a plan, always inquire about “household discounts.” However, it is important to realize that not every insurance company will see you as qualified for a discount. Lastly, remember that you do not have to keep the same insurance plan every year. Make sure to compare the available plans each year, as insurance rates are subject to change.

Posted on Friday, September 15th, 2017. Filed under Medicare.
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