Health Insurancee

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Is Price Everything When Comparing Health Insurance Quotes…?


The easy answer for most people is yes. But just like everything else, you get what you pay for and their are no “deals” to be had.

The biggest thing to watch out for are insurance policies that offer copays for doctors office visits and prescriptions that have a low price.


Office visits are cheap (relatively speaking) usually costing somewhere between $50 and $80 a visit – a practice in Southern California even made their medical costs easily available.

A broken leg can cost you $10,000 – $20,000 including the hospital visit, ER physician costs, follow-up visits, X-ray/MRI’s etc.

So an inexpensive plan with copays usually has very high cost sharing for hospitalizations, surgeries, etc. Some even have limits on the total amount they will cover for every time you visit the hospital or have a medical event.

Do you really want a health plan that gives you a $35 copay for an office visit but ends up costing you $10,000 when you have a real medical emergency?

This is all another good reason to use an agent.

Agents do not cost you a penny. That’s right – the premium you get from an agent will be the same as if you went to the health insurance company directly.

They represent lots of carriers.

And a good experienced agent knows the pitfalls of the plans and can help you make an informed decision on which medical insurance quote to buy.

Happy Hunting!

Posted on Friday, May 14th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.
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