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Health Care Reform Is The Hot Button Of The Century

So, where is health care reform going to go for the future? The mid-terms shook the House up somewhat and that will open the door to more questions than provide answers. Will everything get passed or will it be changed yet again to appease voters? Will voters like what they get THIS time, if it’s changed?

The interesting thing here is that every American knows that the health care system NEEDS to be changed, but when change is coming, then they don’t want it anymore, particularly if it will cost them money. Unfortunately, if change is to be implemented, it MAY just cost people money to make the changes they want. You can’t have it both ways.

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Posted on Wednesday, December 1st, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health reform to change again?

With mid-term elections just around the corner, it’s interesting to speculate what will happen if the face of the current administration changes. The major question on most people’s minds is what will happen to health care reform is the government changes? This is a good question, and some pundits seem to think that it may be repealed.

Health care reform is a hot button issue and no matter what people think and feel, there is always another side to the coin. The main thing to remember is that no matter what happens, the health care system we have today NEEDS to be reformed, because the costs are out of control. How this is achieved is a good question. Whether it will be achieved with a change of government is an even better question. It is something to think about, anyway.

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Posted on Saturday, November 13th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.
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