The Supreme Court ruling on health reform will have a lasting impact on what Americans pay for health insurance. The Affordable Care Act has multiple provisions that will directly impact the cost of insurance in both positive and negative ways:
Guaranteed Issue – We have already seen what has happened to the cost of individual health insurance in states where they eliminated underwriting like New York and New Jersey. They go up and their uninsured population expands. New Jersey has 12% of their population without coverage which is 25% higher than Pennsylvania – a neighboring state – in spite of New Jersey’s higher income and lower unemployment rates. Its because individual policies cost two times what they do in Pennsylvania.
Individual Mandate – This provision will offset the cost of guaranteed issue somewhat, but the penalties are not high enough to ensure the participation you would need from the healthy population to offset those costs. A quick look at the costs in Massachusetts will show you how premiums respond to both a mandate and guaranteed issue. Its not pretty.
Preventive care and covering children to age 26 – These two provisions are both popular and not very expensive (maybe 2-4% impact on premiums) – my bet is if health reform is stricken, we will see this passed into law very quickly. Aetna, UnitedHealthcare and Humana are all saying they will keep these provisions in their plans even if the law is stricken.
Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Requirements – Carriers were required to keep non-medical costs below certain thresholds – most carriers were already there – so no real impact. Most carriers just used this provision to cut agent commissions, which cost this country thousands of jobs.
Premium Subsidies – My only thought here is how was this bill actually going to pay for this? This bill was not funded adequately or with much more than smoke and mirrors. The claim was for huge savings in Medicare – but that was offset by the expansion of Medicaid – which the states have to fund a chunk of… Its just too easy to punch holes in how this $100B plan would never generate $100B in revenues.
At the end of the day, most Americans will be better off if the entire bill is stricken but doing so will create a vacuum that will need to be filled by something else. Let’s hope our leaders can actually work together to create a truly bipartisan plan that has a decent chance of working.
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“BIKE 4 CHF” Aims to Raise $100,000 for Congenital Heart Defect Research
LINCOLNSHIRE, Ill. – A congenital heart defect survivor is pedaling his bike across America, beginning June 8, 2010, to raise awareness about congenital heart defects, celebrate children impacted by heart defects, and raise $100,000 in new research dollars for the Children’s Heart Foundation (CHF).

“BIKE 4 CHF”—the journey of Nels Matson, 27, of Bradenton, Fla.—is the first fundraiser of its kind for the Children’s Heart Foundation, a national non-profit that funds the most promising research to learn more about congenital heart defects (CHDs), the number-one birth defect in America, which affects 40,000 births every year and one in every 100 newborns.
Matson will ride his road bike 3,709 miles, from Santa Monica, Calif., to New York, N.Y., from June 8 to July 20, 2010, averaging 100 miles per day. Along his route, Matson will meet up with and ride alongside Children’s Heart Foundation supporters of all ages in 15 states and encourage them to donate to CHF through his Web site,
The Children’s Heart Foundation has named Matson its first ever “KID 4 CHF,” in honor of Matson’s service to congenital heart defect awareness and fundraising in his BIKE 4 CHF ride. CHF defines KIDS 4 CHF as children who have been diagnosed with a CHD and provide hope and inspiration to other kids and families facing a diagnosis. KIDS 4 CHF are also children who were diagnosed with a CHD at birth and have since passed away.
“Nels Matson’s story resonates with people across the country—particularly with children and families who have lived, or are living, with CHDs,” said Megan Van Pelt, president of the Children’s Heart Foundation. “He’s a walking, running and biking example of perseverance and proof that nothing is impossible for these kids.”
Matson was born in 1982, and thought to be a healthy baby. When a doctor listened to Matson’s heart at age three, he was concerned. After a series of immediate tests, Matson was diagnosed with an uncommon congenital heart defect (Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return with an Atrial Septal Defect).
Matson underwent surgery at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Ill. His heart was repaired, and he received a clean bill of health at age five. He still has the heart he was born with and today is remarkably active. Matson wrestled for Iowa State University in college, and in 2009, he raised funds for the Children’s Heart Foundation—completing an Ironman 70.3 (a race consisting of a 1.2-mile swim, a 56-mile bike and a 13.1-mile run, which adds up to 70.3 miles of total racing) and his very first marathon.
“Whenever I tell people my story, and about how common congenital heart defects are, they are shocked,” said Matson. “The goal of BIKE 4 CHF is to turn that surprise into action. By supporting the Children’s Heart Foundation, donors are investing in research that will save little lives.”
There are 35 different types of CHDs, but little is known about the cause of them and there is not yet a cure for any of them. The Children’s Heart Foundation has funded 37 research projects and funded $3.6 million for research.
“We’re learning more about CHDs all the time,” said William Foley, executive director of the Children’s Heart Foundation. “But until children are no longer lost to congenital heart disease, the Children’s Heart Foundation will continue on. Nels Matson shares our passion, and we are so thrilled that he will be spreading this message on the road this summer.”
Matson will begin his ride in Santa Monica, Calif., on June 8, and end in New York, N.Y., on July 20, stopping in bike shops and parks across the country for early morning meet ups and quarter-mile ride-a-longs with Children’s Heart Foundation supporters. Along his eastward journey, he’ll pass through a host of small cities, as well as the following metropolitan areas:
- Las Vegas, Nev.: June 11
- Denver, Colo.: June 22
- Omaha, Neb.: June 30
- Davenport, Iowa: July 4
- Chicago, Ill.: July 7
- South Bend, Ind.: July 8
- Columbus, Ohio: July 13
- Pittsburgh, Pa.: July 15
- Philadelphia, Pa.: July 19
In each of the cities listed above, Matson will dedicate segments of his journey to local children with congenital heart defects. He’ll also invite congenital heart defect survivors, and people who have lost a loved one to a heart defect, to autograph his road bike so they can “ride across the country with him.”
Sponsors for BIKE 4 CHF include Hilton Hotels, mix1 Protein Antioxidant Sports Drink, Myakka Technologies, Inc., WSLR 96.5 LPFM Sarasota Community Radio ‘Local Matters’, Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation, and families.
To follow BIKE 4 CHF, and to make a donation, visit You also can find Matson and his journey on Facebook (Athletes4Heart) and on Twitter (@Athletes4Heart).
The Children’s Heart Foundation
Motivated by the needs of children, the goal of the Children’s Heart Foundation is to bring health, hope and happiness to children impacted by congenital heart defects, the number-one birth defect in the U.S. The CHF accomplishes this goal by funding the most promising research to advance the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital heart defects. For information on the CHF, visit