Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Health Insurance Plans Cover Everything And The Kitchen Sink

Well, OK, health insurance plans don’t really cover everything and the kitchen sink. They may be fairly inclusive of a great number of things, but rarely will you find one that takes everything into consideration. That would be impossible. Instead, you get coverage that handles just about everything that you and/or your family needs. It is the reasonable thing to do. If you speak to a knowledgeable health insurance agent, you will not go away disappointed.

The thing with health insurance is that in most instances, you really only need coverage for specific health concerns and for the usual things that you need to do – like check-ups, shots and other things you need to see a doctor for. While you may think that you should have a huge policy that covers everything, the truth is you may not need one like that, and that is what your health insurance agent is for – to help you decide what you really and truly need.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, January 17th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

People Who Are Not Healthy Don’t Always Get Health Insurance

This will make sense if you stop to think about it. If you are way overweight, have diabetes, do drugs or are a regular drinker, you certainly won’t be getting the OK for a health insurance policy. These types of behaviors are risky and high risk consumers are considered risky business propositions.

You’ll notice we mentioned risk at least three times in that last sentence. This is because an insurance company is a business and to stay in business, the companies don’t insure people with high risk habits because it costs them money.

The fact is you only get health insurance if the insurance company feels you’re a good risk. That means that they are betting they won’t have to pay.

out too much on you over the years.

This isn’t to say you might not get insurance, but if you do, your premiums will be really high and the coverage might not deal with your particular health issue(s).

To learn more about Health insurance quotes, affordable health insurance, affordable health insurance quotes, health insurance plans, visit

Posted on Sunday, April 18th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.
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