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What Health Care in the United States May Look Like in the Future

According to president-elect Donald Trump, Americans have suffered under the weight of a massive economic burden brought about by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Apparently the Affordable Care Act was passed into law without much foresight, resulting in out-of-control costs, non-functional websites, higher premiums, less competition in the insurance industry and a greater rationing of care. As a result of the legislation, every American was allegedly faced with uncertainty of the ACA collapsing, causing even greater economic concern and hardship when it came to health care.

President Donald Trump’s administration suggests that on day one of a new administration free market reforms would be introduced into the health care industry by completely repealing the ACA. Replacing the repealed legislation would be the next task and the administration indicates it would have such reforms ready that closely follow free market principles geared to restore certainty and economic freedom to all Americans. Free market principles combined with sound public policy are intended to broaden health care access, improve the quality of care and make it more affordable.

The proposed seven-point plan touted by president-elect Donald Trump to make health care more affordable for all Americans will allegedly:

  • Lower health care costs for every American
  • Remove uncertainty about health care
  • Offer financial security for Americans
  • Tackle other policy revisions to lower the cost of health care
  • Enforce immigration laws to relieve economic pressures on Americans in health care
  • Stop fraud and waste and energize the American economy
  • Reduce the number of people accessing programs such as Children’s Health Insurance, Medicaid
  • Work on growing the economy by bringing jobs and capital back to the United States
  • Reform mental health services

It appears that the plan to reform health care in the United States is ambitious and may result in some significant changes for Americans. While it is not precisely clear how many of the proposed reforms are to be implemented and what may be designed to replace existing health care legislation, there are many industry pundits who feel that change may be a good thing to stimulate the economy.

The country is on the brink of a new era and it appears that approaching health care with a different point-of-view may produce some interesting results, not only for the people, but also for the insurance industry as a whole.

Posted on Tuesday, January 31st, 2017. Filed under Health Insurance.
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