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Trump Health Care May be Different

According to president-elect Donald Trump, there is a pressing need for free market reforms in the health care industry. It appears from campaign speeches and recent media interviews that in order to create a free market for health care Obamacare may be repealed.

Mr. Trump has suggested this will happen on day one of his administration taking office. Although he has stated he would seek a total repeal of all aspects of Obamacare, recent media coverage suggests he has taken a slightly different stance on the matter and may agree to retain some aspects of it, such as extending health care coverage to students.

Mr. Trump has stated that by adhering to free market principles his government intends to restore economic freedom and certainty to Americans. He plans to make health care affordable, improve the quality of care available and broaden access to health care.

Health care under a Trump administration may allegedly be accomplished by:

• Congress repealing all or parts of Obamacare. No one should be forced to buy insurance.
• Modifying existing laws inhibiting the sale of health insurance across state lines. Full competition in the industry drives prices down.
• Permit Americans to deduct health insurance premium from tax returns.
• Review Medicaid basic options to allow those who want health insurance to access it.
• Permit Americans to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), ensuring they are tax-free and allowed to accumulate.
• Mandate price transparency for all medical professionals, particularly physicians, clinics and hospitals. Americans should be allowed to shop for the best price for procedures, exams or any medical procedure.
• Stop-grant Medicaid to states. State governments can manage Medicaid administration without federal interference. States will be offered incentives to reduce waste and eliminate fraud.
• Remove free market barriers for drug makers that offer reliable, less expensive and safe products. Americans should have more options open to them and be allowed access to less expensive, imported, dependable and safe drugs.

Posted on Monday, December 12th, 2016. Filed under Health Insurance.
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