Health Insurancee

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What happens if I go to hospital and have no health care insurance?

There are several answers to this question and you won’t like any of them. Two of them, however, are things you definitely need to know. There are some hospitals that refuse to treat people without health insurance. While they don’t SAY this to you, you may find yourself shuffled around and then taken somewhere else that takes people without insurance. Will the quality of care be good? It may be. It may not be. You basically have no control over what happens, because you have no health insurance.

Some hospitals that go ahead and treat someone without health insurance will send a bill later. It’s that bill that spells the end of the end financially for the family that receives it. It an individual was in the hospital for a broken bone, they may find a bill in the mail for up to $20,000, and that would be a clean break without any complications and no surgery required. If you need more than that, your bill goes up. Can you afford that? If the answer is a loud “NO,” get health insurance coverage, even if it means not going to the movies a few times a month, or you have to cut back on smoking. Find the money to protect your life. It’s a worthwhile investment.

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Posted on Tuesday, August 6th, 2013. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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