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Group Health Insurance Quotes, How Does Health Reform Affect Your Benefits?

The economy is beginning to look up and unemployment rate is declining. Did you or your friend just get hired by a Small Business? Are you worried about your Health Insurance?

As an employer; how do you decide on what benefits you can offer to your employees? Do you look at what your competitors are offerring? To learn more about what other companies in your industry and your region are offerring their employees, you may want to consider the Employee Benefits Benchmarking Report Benepath has compiled using data from more than 27,000 small businesses. To get competitive rates for Group Health Insurance Quotes, please visit

To learn more about how the health reform will affect Group Health Insurance Quotes, click here to read an article on the Washington Post.

Posted on Monday, June 25th, 2012. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.

Small Business Health Insurance a Way to Retain Good Employees

As the economic conditions continue to be uncertain, it is not surprising that employee loyalty over the last 3 years has decreased. So business owners are searching for different ways to not only keep the employees they have from moving on, but search for new talent to join their company.

A good starting point for business owners is to take a look at their health insurance offering. If their current offering is no longer competitive compared to similar companies, they run the risk of losing employees during this time of dwindling employee loyalty.

Make sure you dont lose your most valuable resource because your employee benefits package is outdated. It’s the perfect way to improve your employees’ financial health without handing out raises.

Get connected with a local agent and get your group health insurance quotes at

Posted on Friday, November 18th, 2011. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.
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