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Health Reform – a Hit or Miss?

It depends what side of the health reform debate you are on as to whether or not you think health reform is a good or bad thing. From a purely objective point of view, ensuring that all Americans have access to health care is a laudable goal. It is how we get to that position that is causing problems. Along the way someone will suffer when health reform gets going full swing. That is just the way the system works – rob Peter to pay Paul.

This raises the old rumors, which maybe are not so old, that seniors will be the ones to lose the most when health reform really kicks in. But what about the physically and mentally disabled? Has anyone wondered how their health care needs will be addressed in a new system? Has anyone stopped to wonder who will pay for the homeless who will be mandated to have health insurance come 2014? If you said the taxpayers, you would be right. So really, how does that system differ from social medicine in say, Canada? Just food for thought.

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