Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Reasonable Health Insurance a Reality

Yes, there really is such a thing as reasonable health insurance quotes. It does, however, take a bit of hunting to find them. However, having said that, it is not like the great quest for the Fountain of Youth. It is as easy as click 1-2-3.

Search local insurance agents for better prices than the big boys offer. There’s nothing wrong with shopping with the big companies. However, there are two drawbacks that may affect what you ultimately get – no side-by-side comparisons of plans and the plans are general in nature; not specific to what you may really need. Remember to also not jump at the first cheapest price you see. If you do, you may give up benefits you need.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 11th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Are Brand Name Drugs Really That Good?

Interesting question, and the answer is it appears that they may not be as good as the manufacturers would have you believe. It seems recent studies are actually indicating that the new hot shot kids on the block are no where near as effective as some of the dear old standbys. And the best thing is, they cost a great deal less as well. Can’t beat that!

Just because you saw a new drug on TV does not mean you need to rush to your doctor and ask for it. This is not like an ice cream flavor of the month, not to mention it will cost you more to get the latest drug as well.

Ask yourself if you really need the drug, or are mostly just curious, and while you’re at it, ask the doctor if something else a lot less expensive will work just as well at a fraction of the price. This is smart consumerism in action.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, July 8th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

How To Save Money With Generic Drugs

Want to save some big money on your drugs? Then order online and keep the extra change in your own pocket. After all, you’re going to need it to pay for the rising costs of taxes, utilities, mortgage rates and gas. It is a blessing to be able to pay less for drugs, and once you get used to it, you will realize what you have been missing.

Don’t order brand name drugs, they are way more expensive. Instead, make it a point to buy generic, no name brand drugs. They are made with the exact same ingredients as the brand name drugs. While there may be small formulation changes – such as, they aren’t enteric coated – they will do the same job for you as that brand name drug, less the outrageous price.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, July 6th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Bring Down Medication Costs

You have heard about the price of health care these days. It is almost obscene. The U.S. health system is so overused and abused it is in serious need of a major revamping. What’s going on? Too many people are using the system for things they don’t need – for instance, going to the ER for a cold.

If you personally started to get a grip on controlling your health care habits, you could make a difference in your expenses. It is just than simple. You might even save money. Hard to believe, but true.

Save money on medications by shopping online through mail order pharmacies. These online pharmacies could be in Canada or the U.S. However, Canadian online pharmacies tend to be less expensive. Look at it this way; wouldn’t you rather pay about $10 for a month’s supply of medications as opposed to $100?

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, July 4th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Quotes Are The Tip Of The Iceberg

When you are looking for health insurance quotes, do not make your decision based on the quote alone. Often, the details of the policy are what you really need to know about. So, and this cannot be emphasized enough, read the policy you do choose. Why? Because it is important to know what IS in it and what IS NOT in it.

Getting health insurance based on price alone may land you with a policy that does not meet your needs and sticks you with bills you did not expect later – because you did not check to see what your policy said. Be smart and find out what you are covered for. You’ll be glad you did.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Thursday, June 16th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Policies Are Not Meant To Decorate The Bottom Of Your Drawer

Many people, when they buy health insurance, toss it into a desk drawer and forget about it until they need it. And, even then, not all of them can find the policy or have read it since they bought it. This is not a smart thing to do. Why? Because if you do not know what is and is not in your health insurance policy, you might find yourself paying for something you thought was covered. Not a great experience if you get caught flat-footed and wind up cash strapped because of it.

Health insurance policies are not meant to decorate the bottom of desk drawers. Honestly? You need to read what you’re getting and understand how it all works. It’s YOUR health and you need to take care of it. Health insurance policies are part and parcel of taking care of YOU.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, May 25th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Is A Business

This should come as no surprise to many Americans; health insurance companies are running a business. Therefore, they want to keep the bottom line as profitable as possible. To do that, they charge what the market will bear. From their point of view, they are taking the risk of insuring you and therefore, if they’re assuming that risk, then you need to pay for that effort of their part.

So, if you have ever wondered why different companies charge different prices for the same thing, they are charging what they do, because they can – in part. They are also charging what they do to stay in business and make money. They make money selling health insurance policies. So if you are healthy; they make money, or rather save money on you. If you are not, they may lose money on you. You can bet your prices will go up. It is something to think about when you shell out money for a policy and why it makes sense to shop around for deals.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, May 23rd, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Affordable Health Insurance Is Not Just A Pipe Dream

Affordable health insurance really isn’t a pipe dream. It all depends on what you want and need. Most often you have the control over what you need in terms of health insurance and what you want. Those are two different things and you may be able to save money by taking a pass on things you might want. The easiest way to do this is to make a list of what you really need and must have.

Once you have narrowed down the policies that seem to be suited to your requirements, then make a few calls. Yes, talk to an insurance agent directly and save yourself the hassle of trying to sort things out online and ask questions and find information. Insurance agents offer you free advice and they know their stuff. If you want less hassle, talk to the agent. It is an inexpensive shortcut that gives YOU direct benefits.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Friday, May 20th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

Affordable Health Insurance Is A Myth

Actually, no, that is NOT true. Affordable health insurance is NOT a myth. You can find a policy to suit your budget. You just have to take the time to look. If you are the impatient type and get frustrated with all the material you find online, then call a health insurance agent directly and explain what you want. That saves time, money and aggravation.

Finding affordable health insurance is not that tough and you can do it by doing online cost comparisons. Just take it slow and easy, compare the policies, assess what you truly need and don’t leave things to chance if you don’t understand what you are reading. Help is just a phone call away.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance.

You Will Need Visitor Health Insurance If You Travel To Foreign Countries

If you visit your children in other countries, because they opted to live there or study there, do not think that you can hop on a plane and just go without checking into having the right kind of health insurance. Your regular health insurance will NOT cover you for medical events in another country.

Check into visitor’s insurance and have the peace of mind of knowing that if something happens to you while you are in another country, you WILL be covered. No one wants to go for a visit and land in the hospital and no one wants to come home with a bill that would choke a horse, if they didn’t have any health insurance coverage. Your life is important. Make sure you are covered for adverse health events while abroad.

To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit

Posted on Monday, May 16th, 2011. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.
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