Health Insurancee

From top carriers

Budget Concerns May Hamper Health Insurance

People may tell you not to worry about the cost of health insurance. They obviously haven’t lived with your budget concerns.

Having or not having health insurance in America these days is a major debate. Those that have it know the benefits it offers.

Those that don’t think it’s a waste of time and money and they don’t need it – that is they don’t need it right now – but later? That may be a whole different can of worms.

The question still remains though, how does one get affordable health insurance in this economy? How does one stay safe and be covered and not be broke? Good questions and the answers are highly individual to each person’s specific situation. Of course, the bottom line is and will always be what dollars are there to go around in the household to pay for everything from soup to nuts and still include health insurance plans? This is even more of an issue when you are considering buying individual insurance and you happen to be self-employed – meaning your income will vary wildly from month to month.

Being self-employed and wanting insurance means finding a way to budget it and doing with less someplace else. Why is this a smart idea even if it hurts? It’s smart because if you are hurt, need medical care and don’t have health insurance, then your business may go under because you need the funds to pay the medical bills. If you work for someone else; well, lucky is the worker who has their health care costs picked up by the company.

Let’s say you want individual health insurance and you work for yourself or for someone else – either way, your premiums will vary depending on what you choose in terms of health insurance plans. Things like co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles are costly, but they are usually the plans with lower premiums.

So there you have it, the health insurance plans with lower initial costs usually have higher premiums, and the health plans that mean you need to use a network (like HMOs) will cost less. What to choose? You choose what your personal preference is, as health insurance coverage is a highly individualized thing.

Can any of these choices be done on a budget? You bet they can, as despite prevailing opinion that no one can afford health insurance, there are affordable health insurance policies out there for everyone. It’s just that some people, no matter how reasonable a health insurance plan is, still won’t buy one for their own reasons. For those individuals, when life happens, they too will see the necessity of needing health insurance.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Saturday, August 14th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance, Life Insurance.

Compare More Than Just the Price for Your Health Insurance Quote

With new diseases on the horizon, we need affordable health insurance. Getting affordable health insurance quotes is a good place to start.

Getting sick these days without the benefit of having a health insurance plan in place is pretty risky; risky because if you need medical care, the cost of that care may wipe out your bank account. That’s honestly not too farfetched either. The cost for medical care for things like broken bones would almost put you in the poor house, unless you have a very high income, something that a lot of Americans do not have.

Many people today are lucky to have enough money to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. This isn’t to say that there aren’t affordable health insurance plans out there that you can take advantage of by doing a bit of homework, because the truth is, there is always something that will suit your budget no matter what it is.

Get started looking for affordable health insurance by doing some online surfing. It’s easy, it’s convenient and you can do it in your jammies. You can’t beat that, plus it gives you the chance to take notes and make a list of questions, because at some point, you will need to ask a real live person those questions to get a better sense of what they are offering in terms of affordable health insurance.

While it’s hard to really know if the company website you are clicking on is reputable, there are a few things you can do to find out. If they have been in business for a long time, that means they are stable and know their products and are likely credible. Ask around and find out if any of your relatives or friends have insurance with them and how they like the service, etc.

Step two is to ask for affordable health insurance quotes. Try and have a bit of play in your budget if there are things you really need to have in a health insurance policy. Spell everything out and be honest about your pre-existing conditions, as this will give them an accurate picture of what you will need and also help them provide you with health insurance quotes. By the way, remember that if you ask more than one insurance company to give you quotes, that you need to give each one of them the same information. If you don’t do that, your quotes won’t be accurate.

Line up anywhere from four to six health insurance quotes, or more if you can stand the confusion of trying to compare that many quotes at once. Honestly? Ideally, working with four quotes is usually the best tactic and you can start by comparing prices “before” you sign up for anything. Find out why the health insurance quotes you got were different prices: for instance, did one have coverage for asthma and the other did not? You get the idea; you’re comparing actual coverage offered rather than just determining who you want to go with based on pricing alone.



Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Monday, August 9th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Instant Health Insurance Quotes a Little Like Bingo

It’s nice to know instantly if you qualify for health insurance. Instant health insurance quotes also provide approximate premium prices.

It’s becoming a world where it is ultimately crucial that you and your family have health insurance; affordable health insurance. If you want that kind of information quickly, after all we are in the age of instant this and that, then accessing instant health insurance quotes will let you know within seconds if you qualify for a health insurance plan and what the costs may be. Leave the work of quoting to the health insurance website, because it means more time for you to do what you really want to do instead of searching for affordable health insurance.

There are a whole lot of people out there that are working harder and longer than ever before and making less to show for it. What they are making, they stash away for their children’s future. They don’t think they can afford any type of health insurance plans. More to the point is this question: “Can they afford ‘not’ to have a health insurance plan?” The answer is: “No, they can’t afford ‘not’ to have health insurance.” Not in today’s world of high cost medical care for everything from soup to nuts. Even a broken leg may run to $20,000; money most people don’t have on hand.

The bottom line here is that having good health and keeping it, is critical for you and your family. If you don’t have your health, chances are you will run the risk of losing what savings you do have to pay medical bills that could have been covered by your health insurance plan. Health is wealth and “means” wealth if you can keep working and stay healthy – with the assistance of a health insurance plan.

In other words, if you don’t want to be in the situation where you have to declare medical bankruptcy, then you need to be checking out health insurance quotes. Before you get started, know what kind of health insurance you want for you and your family.

Once you have a good idea of what that is, hit the Internet and do some online searching for an insurance website that provides instant health insurance quotes. Instant health insurance quotes are a bit like playing Bingo – under the ‘A’ for affordable health insurance, under the ‘H’ for health insurance plans and health insurance quotes.

The whole idea in sourcing instant health insurance quotes is to let you know right away what is out there and what you qualify for in terms of health insurance plans. Knowledge is power; make it work to your advantage.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Sunday, July 25th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Instant Health Insurance Quotes a Little Like Bingo

It’s nice to know instantly if you qualify for health insurance. Instant health insurance quotes also provide approximate premium prices.

It’s becoming a world where it is ultimately crucial that you and your family have health insurance; affordable health insurance. If you want that kind of information quickly, after all we are in the age of instant this and that, then accessing instant health insurance quotes will let you know within seconds if you qualify for a health insurance plan and what the costs may be. Leave the work of quoting to the health insurance website, because it means more time for you to do what you really want to do instead of searching for affordable health insurance.

There are a whole lot of people out there that are working harder and longer than ever before and making less to show for it. What they are making, they stash away for their children’s future. They don’t think they can afford any type of health insurance plans. More to the point is this question: “Can they afford ‘not’ to have a health insurance plan?” The answer is: “No, they can’t afford ‘not’ to have health insurance.” Not in today’s world of high cost medical care for everything from soup to nuts. Even a broken leg may run to $20,000; money most people don’t have on hand.

The bottom line here is that having good health and keeping it, is critical for you and your family. If you don’t have your health, chances are you will run the risk of losing what savings you do have to pay medical bills that could have been covered by your health insurance plan. Health is wealth and “means” wealth if you can keep working and stay healthy – with the assistance of a health insurance plan.

In other words, if you don’t want to be in the situation where you have to declare medical bankruptcy, then you need to be checking out health insurance quotes. Before you get started, know what kind of health insurance you want for you and your family.

Once you have a good idea of what that is, hit the Internet and do some online searching for an insurance website that provides instant health insurance quotes. Instant health insurance quotes are a bit like playing Bingo – under the ‘A’ for affordable health insurance, under the ‘H’ for health insurance plans and health insurance quotes.

The whole idea in sourcing instant health insurance quotes is to let you know right away what is out there and what you qualify for in terms of health insurance plans. Knowledge is power; make it work to your advantage.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks.

To learn more, visit

Posted on Tuesday, July 6th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Navigating the Health Insurance Maze

Health insurance issues are always a significant concern for both employers and individuals. Headlines frequently describe the ever increasing cost of healthcare and insurance, and constantly changing rules can make obtaining proper coverage a complicated matter. Many insurance shoppers are turning to the internet for information that they can use to make informed decisions and compare plans, packages and rates. To this end, Benepath has designed a website that offers users a comprehensive resource such as insurance news, informative articles and a powerful interface that allows users to compare quotes within seconds.

“One of the most common complaints about insurance shopping that we’ve heard is that it can be confusing to compare one plan to another,” explains Clelland Green, Benepath’s President. “We have made it our mission to give insurance shoppers the power and knowledge they need to make the best healthcare decisions for their families.” Benepath accomplishes this with a user-friendly website, an easy-to-use health insurance quote system, and a wealth of information that every insurance buyer should know.

The site benefits both the insured and the uninsured. Those who are interested in saving money on their existing plans can quickly compare offers from leading insurers, while new insurance buyers can find the exact package that suits their needs and their situation. Employers who want to offer their employees the security of a comprehensive benefit plan can also request quotes that best suit their business and their budget.

About Benepath: Benepath was founded by Clelland Green in 2004 as a consulting firm to provide insurers and managed care organizations with advice regarding the development of consumer directed health plans (CDHs) such as HSAs, HRAs, and high deductible health plans. When it became clear that insurance brokers did not have a firm grasp of the CDH market, Benepath was founded with a unique business model to ensure that businesses and individuals learned about the importance of these products and how they could be a better fit than traditional health insurance plans including HMOs and PPOs.

Posted on Saturday, May 15th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Beware the New Virus

New viruses take their toll physically and financially. Be prepared to deal with new medical problems by having affordable health insurance.

Lately it seems like every time you turn around there is a new bug making its way around the world. Some of them may be treated with existing medicines; some of them may not. Either way, if you wind up getting sick and need a lot of doctoring, and if you don’t have affordable health insurance that covers your needs, you may have a problem on your hands.

Let’s face it, if you come down with something new and difficult to treat, you will likely be paying out more money than you have budgeted. That’s due to the nature of our expensive health care system. Even if you do have a high deductible, you’re going to be in a pinch financially. What are your options? The main option is to find affordable health insurance that offers the kind of coverage you need. Start by working out your budget first and then working out what you need. With list in hand, hit the Internet and start searching for health insurance quotes.

Once you’ve found a few sites that you like and that are professional and up-to-date in their information, ask for quotes and then compare them with others you have. Go for about three or four quotes to get an idea of what is out there. Pare down your list to show you the affordable health insurance quotes.

Next, you comb through what each of those affordable plans offers. For this you may need to speak directly to a health insurance agent. Write out a complete list of things you want answered and go to town asking them all. It’s important that you know that what you may get is what you need. Once you have found a cost match, your benefits are very important. Be careful here because some of the quotes may look enticing financially, but don’t offer the cover you need. So, read the fine print.

Weed out what is not suited for you and keep going until you have a quote that offers good benefits and it works with your budget; something you can manage financially. While this might seem like a daunting process, it does pay off in the long run with the thing you needed the most – affordable health insurance.

Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit

Posted on Tuesday, May 4th, 2010. Filed under Health Insurance.

Health Insurance Quotes Provider Expands in the Face of Recession

One of the nation’s leading online health insurance quotes providers has significantly expanded over the past few months. In spite of the recession, the company decided to make some key strategic moves to take advantage of what they saw as a great opportunity to grow the business.

Seeing their business growing during the recession Clelland Green, Benepath’s CEO, decided to double their quoting capacity for individual and family health insurance plans and enter into the group health insurance quotes business. “We are already seeing a payoff for these investments as the demand for our service from agents around the country has been steadily climbing,” Clelland noted.

Benepath will be offering their group insurance quotes program to agents over the coming weeks and the company reports that they already have several sales and a sizable number of agents who have requested these health insurance leads over the last year. Sales are expected to ramp up quickly as demand for group insurance leads is very strong.

As with other Benepath innovations, their entry into group insurance is not without a distinguishing benefit to businesses and consumers. We are the only group insurance program on the internet which can easily accept and deliver all the information necessary to provide quotes, especially for large companies. This makes it easy for businesses to get competitive insurance bids and for agents to help new customers.

About Benepath: Benepath gives health insurance quotes to consumers across the country and provides exclusive health insurance leads to high quality, local insurance agents. Benepath uses their proprietary technology platform to provide consumers with real-time health quotes from a local agent’s quoting system; branding the agent and providing the consumer with health insurance quotes from both local and national health insurance companies.

Posted on Tuesday, May 19th, 2009. Filed under Group Insurance, Health Insurance.
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