Many Americans do not have health insurance. They feel they cannot afford it.
Perhaps there is indeed some truth to the fact that many Americans cannot afford monthly insurance premiums. At least, from their point of view, they do not have the extra funds to pay for health insurance plans. While it is an understandable dilemma, the bigger picture is this: without health insurance, you will have to pay a huge medical bill if you need care and do not have health insurance.
So, the question then becomes, “What would you rather have happen? Scrimp a bit to pay a monthly premium and have medical bills covered, or get a bill from the E.R. for setting a broken wrist, which runs about $20,000 or more?” Most people would be horrified to get a bill that large. If they have to stay in a hospital overnight, or require surgery, that bill is even higher. How would they pay for it?
The answer to that question is they would not be able to pay it, and in addition to their usual monthly financial obligations, they would be saddled with a bill that may take years to pay off. Some find themselves in the situation of having to declare bankruptcy as a result of medical bills. Most of those kinds of situations are avoidable by having even a basic health insurance plan.
Now is the time to line up health insurance plans for the whole family, before you are fined for not being covered. It is also a smart time to source your health insurance, as you have the ability to pick and choose what you really need and what works for you, even if it is a very basic policy.
Any coverage is, at times, better than none. Mind you, that largely depends on what coverage you choose, and that choice is up to you. You would, of course, opt for coverage that best reflects your needs and not pay for things you would not need. That is then what you pay for, rather than trying to figure out how on earth you pay a medical bill so high, you would never make that much in two years.
If you already have insurance, then do you know if it is doing a good job for you? Here’s how to tell if it is not doing a good job. Your doctor’s office has hinted they won’t be using your insurer in the future, other people have sued the insurance company for fraud, they won’t let you raise your deductible to bring down your monthly premium, and prescription drugs are not covered.
The most frustrating spot to be in though is when trying to file a claim and you can’t get anyone on the phone and get stalled, and no one answers your questions when you email. It’s time to start looking around for another insurer.
Clelland Green is with, a leader in providing health insurance quotes. Benepath provides individuals, families, and businesses with affordable health insurance quotes in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit
Given that health care reform is just around the corner, we would be smart to get our health insurance now, rather than wait until 2014. After all, what’s the rush? Nothing has happened yet. Well, that is not quite true, as there are many elements of health care reform that are actually in play right now. It’s just that the mandated health insurance clause does not kick in until 2014.
Would you rather be caught flat-footed without insurance and be fined? Some people will, of course, do just that, because they feel that is all they can afford. However, if may help you to know that there is a good chance that insurance rates will drop by then, and in fact, they are dropping now, thanks to competition. It’s your call. Buy now or buy later, but buy health insurance, as you can’t afford to be without it.
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In part, health insurance rates respond to the market. Not to necessarily reduce their rates, unless they want to attract customers, but they respond by offering new programs and options for those who need health insurance. Of course, the options come with a price tag, and if you want to get a good deal, you need to shop around for one.
Not many consumers appreciate that health insurance plans are predicated on what a private health insurance company can get from their customers. That’s right, what the market will bear, and so the insurance company will charge accordingly. That is why shopping around for the best price is a smart thing. Remember, insurance companies are in business for the bottom dollar – yours.
While there is government regulation for Medicare and Medicaid, private insurers can name their own prices. And that is why you end up paying (in some cases) more than you should have to pay. Be smart and shop smart.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
Some say one way to improve the cost of health care is to import prescription drugs. Well, it’s an idea, but Big Pharma would not go along with it. Of course, Americans are free to order online drugs from anywhere they want, including Canada, but use caution as you really have no guarantee that what you see online is indeed what you get in the mail.
What about mandated use of generic drugs? Much like mandated health care in 2014, should it actually come to pass, mandated use of generic drugs may well save the country billions. Of course the problem with that is the resistance the drug makers would put up about losing money.
Odd isn’t it that drug companies, who are supposed to exist to help make people better, actually create drugs that kill people and charge them astronomical amounts for the privilege. Even odder is the fact that at any time drug makers could make generic drugs of their own and sell them, making a nice chunk of change, but they choose not to because they prefer gouging patients for the big name drugs at three or more times the price of a generic drug.
It is time for consumers to do something about that and make a move to take more generic drugs instead.
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One way to lower drug costs is to import prescription drugs. The big drug manufacturers will have a fit about that, but your budget might like it. Can it be done? Well, as far as a good idea goes, it is a good one but no one is certain if it could really be done. But what can be done is buying your drugs online from another country and saving big dollars. For instance, buying drugs from Canada is way cheaper than buying drugs in the U.S.
Of course, these are minor issues when it comes to the whole system. Frankly, health reform may change how Americans buy their drugs and may change how big pharma prices them. We can all hope anyhow. Generally speaking, people are still in the process of trying to keep up with the ever-increasing cost of medical care and wondering what will stop it from escalating even further by the time 2014 hits. Then what will we do?
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Well, maybe the better question is are the big name health insurance company health insurance quotes any better than others? In some instances they may well be, if you happen to be working from the point of view of managing an existing condition and can prove it. This of course goes to certain riders or waivers. They may also have some dandy deals for you – but – having said that, READ THE FINE PRINT.
Big name companies are not as flexible in offering you various things that may make your health insurance quote just that much more personal. They are a big box company and they offer what they offer – period. This is a little like using brand name drugs. Just because it is a big brand name does not mean they/it are going to be good for you.
Smaller companies tend to offer better, more personal service because they are genuinely happy to have you as a customer. They are there to help you get what you need. So go for the personal service and better rates. You’ll be happy you did, and so will your checkbook.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
Ever been in the situation where you got involved in a nasty car accident and had to see a doctor, get medications, therapy and maybe even surgery? When you got the bill did you just about choke? No kidding, of course you would choke over the price if you did not have health insurance. If you DO have it, it will not be as bad. That, of course, is the whole point – that when medically bad things happen in your life, if you have health insurance coverage, you stand a chance of paying your bills.
Very few people can go through their lives without some kind of doctoring, needing a medication or two or avoiding being involved in an accident. For those bad things in life where you need medical care, think smart now and make sure you have health insurance.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
Well, the election results are in and there are some significant changes to the face of the administration. That, of course, raises some really interesting questions, like now that there are new faces and the balance of power has shifted, what will happen to health care reform? Will we still have some of the suggested changes come into play? Will we have affordable health insurance later? Or better yet, just what will we have later when it comes to health care?
The whole health care reform issue is still pretty much a moving target and no one knows where it will end up. What’s YOUR take on the latest changes in the government and how it may affect YOUR health insurance?
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If you need health insurance, and really, who doesn’t these days, you will find the best prices online. This is because online companies are competing for your business and they don’t want to turn you away. This puts you in control of what you get in a health insurance policy. Most online insurance companies will bend over backwards to get you as a customer and are very willing to listen to your concerns and make deals. That, of course, is a huge advantage for you. So, take advantage of the competitive market and find a policy you can afford.
One other word of advice is this: just because you got a good price this time when you bought a policy, does not mean you will get the same price come renewal time. This is where you have to watch the company and search for what others are charging to see if you are still getting a fair price. If you’re not, you can go with another company who will give you a deal. While it may seem a bit like a merry-go-round changing companies every year it they hike their prices, it’s your money, your health and your choice. Go for it.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit
Instant health insurance quotes are terrific. You know within minutes roughly how much you will need to pay for a health insurance policy. This of course is what you need to know if you are trying to work out a health care budget. Just remember though that the quote is just a quote for how much it may cost you for your health insurance premium.
What health insurance quotes don’t tell you is if there are any exclusions in your policy. For instance, will the policy you want to buy handle pre-existing conditions? Will it pay for x-rays? Does each item have a coverage limit? Is there a coverage level for the whole policy and everything in it? These are the things you need to know and this is why you need to ask questions. Knowing the answer to things like that will mean you can make the “right” health insurance choice for you.
To learn more and get a health insurance quote, visit